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Putin again referred to nuclear weapons and announced Russian military advances in Ukraine


SAINT PETERSBURG.- The president of Russia, Vladimir Putinhe referred again to the use of nuclear weapons this Friday, two days after emphasizing that The West underestimates his country’s determination to resort to atomic weapons and to warn that he is willing to press the red button if the necessary conditions arise.

At a conference at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the president said this time that does not see the conditions for the use of these weapons as established in Russian nuclear doctrinebut added that he does not rule out a change in doctrine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses a plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia, Friday, June 7, 2024.– – Kremlin

“Russia’s nuclear doctrine is a living instrument, changes can be made to it”Putin said.

However, the president noted that Russia’s use of nuclear weapons It is only possible in exceptional cases, which have not yet occurred, and? “The world will never get to this point.”

“Russia can carry out nuclear tests, but for now there is no need for it”, he declared. “We don’t need nuclear weapons to win.” when there is russian character”.

In addition, Putin questioned whether the United States would engage in a war with strategic nuclear weapons in the event of Russian retaliatory attacks in Europe.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gestures as he addresses a plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia, Friday, June 7, 2024.Anton Vaganov – Pool Reuters

At the same time, he announced that The Russian Army has taken 47 Ukrainian cities and towns since the beginning of 2024.

“Just since the beginning of this year, I think 47 locations have been liberated,” he said, adding that Russia is willing to negotiate over Ukraine, but not on the basis of someone’s “inventions.” but on the basis of “Istanbul” (in reference to a mediation by Turkey last year) and taking into account the new realities.

In recent months, the Russian Army has made several advances in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, and on May 10 it launched an offensive a little further north, in the Kharkiv region, but failed to make decisive progress.

The Ukrainian troops are worn out after more than two years of conflictwhich began in February 2022, and suffer from the delay in the delivery of weapons promised by the Western powers and the lack of troops.

Firefighters put out a fire in a building damaged by a Russian missile attack, in Kharkiv, Ukraine, on May 31, 2024. (AP Photo/Andrii Marienko)Andrii Marienko – AP

Putin declared that “all plans” of the “special operation” will be carried outand that until now Russia has no plans for another mobilization in Russiasince, since January 2024, “more than 160,000 people” voluntarily enlisted in the Russian Army to fight on the Ukrainian front.

In September 2022, after suffering several setbacks and losses on the front, the Russian authorities announced a partial mobilization of reservists, which allowed the recruitment of at least 300,000 troopsthe majority originating from areas far from large cities.

This campaign caused tens of thousands of Russians to flee abroad, some of whom later returned to the country.

On the other hand, Putin announced that Russia’s economy grew despite severe international sanctions and the country has expanded its economic ties with countries of Africa, Middle East and Asia.

In a bid to woo investors, and speaking before the presidents of Bolivia and Zimbabwe and other business leaders, Putin said Russia “remains one of the key participants in global trade”despite facing widespread sanctions due to its sending of troops to Ukraine.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, Bolivia’s President Luis Arce (L) and Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa attend the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in St. Petersburg on June 7, 2024.ANTON VAGANOV – POOL

The forum has been used by Russia for decades as a showcase to promote the country’s development, although Western officials and investors have avoided attending. because sanctions eliminated much of Russian trade with Western Europe, the United States and its allies.

The main driver of Russia’s economic growth is the war in Ukraine, which is currently of equal economic and political importance for the Kremlin.

Putin has strictly controlled his media appearances since sending his forces to Ukraine, but on Wednesday, outside of the forum’s official activities, answered questions from journalists, including some from Western countries he has criticized. This was the first press conference with foreign media since 2021.

It was at that meeting that he warned that Russia could provide long-range weapons to other countries to attack Western targets, in response to NATO allies allowing Ukraine to use its weapons to attack Russian territory. He also stressed that Moscow is prepared to use nuclear weapons if it sees a threat to its sovereignty.

We have a nuclear doctrineLook what he says. If someone’s actions threaten our sovereignty and territorial integrity, We consider that we can use all the means at our disposal. This should not be taken lightly, superficially,” she said.

Agencies AP, AFP and Reuters


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