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Dangerous scam on WhatsApp: how your homebanking password is stolen and tips to prevent it

The simple and ingenious method used by cybercriminals can be applied with just one click from the user on the cell phone. I know how it works.

WhatsApp. Photo: Unsplash.

WhatsApp is once again linked to a dangerous scamwhere cybercriminals, through video callsremotely access cell phones with the primary objective of stealing their password. home banking.

Although the method seems simple, it is also extremely wittysince scammers pose as a family member, friend or legitimate company through a message and convince the user to make a video call.

Cybercrime; espionage. Photo: Unsplash.

In the middle of the chat, cybercriminals use some kind of technical excuse and asks the person to touch a button from your own phone. After this, the scammer can access all data personal information and device app.

By giving clickthe user is sharing your screen and, in this way, the scammer can see all the actions carried out on the cell phone, in addition to accessing passwords, Photographs and Bank information.

Homebanking; Applications. Photo: Unsplash.

From there and with the information at his mercy, the cybercriminal could empty your savings with transfers and even apply for loans in your nameamong other unfortunate actions.

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Four tips to avoid scams on WhatsApp

1- Share this information with your friends and family, especially those who are not aware of the latest technological news.s: Cybersecurity is a collective responsibility.

2- Be wary of WhatsApp messages from unknown numbers: If you receive messages from strange numbers, especially if they have an area code from other areas or other countries, and if they especially request personal information, ask you questions or invite you to make video calls, it is best not to interact, delete and block contact immediately.

3- Never share your screen with someone you don’t know and who you don’t fully trust: This is the golden rule to avoid these types of scams. If you receive a request to share your screen from an unknown number or from someone who claims to know you, but with whom you have not had contact in a long time, it is best to decline the request and verify their identity through another means.

4- Verify the identity of the person who contacts you: To confirm that the person calling you is who they say they are, you can call them by phone or send them a message on social networks.

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