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Joe Biden froze during an event at the White House

In an election year, Joe Biden’s last public appearance raised concerns among American citizens. During an event at White House for the Juneteenth holiday, President of the United States he stayed “frozen” for several seconds, while the rest of the people around sang and danced to the music.

The video quickly went viral on social networks, a few months before the North American country held the presidential elections. Kevin O’Connor, Biden’s doctor, explained in the latest report – which came out in February 2024 – that currently there are no “new concerns” about the state of the Democratic leader’s health.

The viral video of Biden’s mistake

The incident occurred during the Juneteenth festive event which took place at the White House. In the video, shared by Republican National Committee (RNC for its acronym in English), shows a static Biden while all the rest of the guests – including Vice President Kamala Harris – dance to the music.

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The moment when Biden was “frozen” and that went viral on social networks.


Quickly, the images went viral on the networks because of the disconcerting nature of the situation. The President of the United States spends more than a minute static, observing a fixed point and without realizing what is happening around him.

During the event, which attracted more than 1700 people including musicians Gladys Knight, Patti LaBelle and Doug E Fresh, Biden was sitting most of the timeapplauding and listening to the songs that were playing while the rest of those present They got up and danced at all times. Despite the small lapse, the President gave a speech in which he declared: “Black history is American history. This day reminds me that we have much more work to do. Let’s keep going. Let’s keep the faith“.

Joe Biden’s health

This year, The United States must elect, on November 5, its future President. In this context, Biden’s health takes a central role in the public debate ahead of the elections.

It is not the first time that the Democratic leader has been seen lost during a public event. On numerous occasions, the top American leader had small lapses or errors in his speeches which led to doubts, on the part of the position, his ability to lead the country.

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After the lapse, Biden took the stage to give a speech for the Juneteenth celebrations.


At 81 years old, his health and physical and mental abilities then became a matter of concern. public interest and an almost national security issue. If re-elected, Biden will be 82 years old when he is sworn in again the position at the beginning of next year and 86, if he consummates his second term.

In February, the month in which the Republican leader had his annual medical check-ups, his doctor Kevin O’Connor assured that “no new worries“regarding the health of the President.”It feels good. He remains capable of fulfilling his duty and fully executing his responsibilities without exception.”, assured the health professional.

According to O’Connor, around twenty doctors subjected the President to a neurological examinationextremely detailed“He left no trace of stroke, neurological disorders or any illness.”President Biden is a healthy, active and robust 81-year-old man”.

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