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Child labor exploitation denounced in Uruguay

Several organizations convened by the Platform for Children and Adolescents of Uruguay (PIAs) will carry out a public activity in order to make the issue visible and put on the agenda the absence of public policies to eradicate it.

From PIAs they assure that “the situation of child labor in the country is alarming.”

Recent data provided by this organization affirm that one in 10 children and adolescents works, and many of them do so in dangerous conditions.

These jobs not only negatively impact their health and well-being, but also interfere with their education.

The organization affirms that child labor occurs throughout the national territory, both permanently and seasonally, in agricultural crops.

PAIs maintains that the majority of informal workers in Uruguay began their working lives in childhood, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and lack of opportunities.

It emphasizes that many minors are involved in the micro and macro drug trafficking chain, as well as in domestic and care work in their own homes.

The consequences are reflected in the growing violence and mortality in childhood, with increasingly younger victims, he warned.

In Uruguay, child labor for children under 15 years of age is prohibited and adolescent work (from 15 to 18 years of age) requires authorization from the Institute of Children and Adolescents of Uruguay.

However, PAIs assure that the implementation and monitoring of these regulations are deficient.


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