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Macron assumes ‘cohabitation’ with Le Pen and warns of a blockade

According to a survey published by several radio and television networks, 57% of French people They want Emmanuel Macron to resign if the National Rally (AN, far-right), Marine Le Pen’s party, wins the early elections on June 30 and the July 7th.

Among young people between 18 and 24 years old, the desire for the resignation of the head of state rises to 76%. Beyond the precision or inaccuracy of the poll, it is a fundamental trend, when other polls insist on the importance of the electoral wave that could give Le Pen an absolute or relative majority in the next National Assembly (AN), first chamber of Parliament.

Macron has a diametrically opposite point of view. He has confirmed that he will not resign and is willing to cohabit institutionally with Le Pen if his party wins, but announcing serious risks, national and European: “France may be blocked, victim of unnatural alliances with the extreme right and the extreme left.”

Union Request

Eighteen days before the first round of the elections, the president launched a national call for the union of politicians who are against extremism: «The French voted. You have to listen to their anger. But he is not governed by anger. He is governed with respect for all sensitivities. Extremisms have blocked the National Assembly. Unnatural alliances with extremes can aggravate France’s blockade. I ask for union […] of compatriots and politicians who do not recognize themselves in any extremism.

During an hour and a half press conference, Macron commented on the risk of a global crisis in France, but ruled out resignation if the extreme right wins: “It would be absurd to resign. I was elected for five years in 2022». With these principles established, he launched his personal campaign, alone, against all the extremes, which he considers threatening to France and Europe.

Given the alliance announced between the leadership of The Republicans (historical right) and the National Rally (AN, extreme right), Macron spoke in this way: «General de Gaulle will stand, in his grave, contemplating how Mr. Ciotti he allies himself with Le Pen’s extreme right, which all his heirs denounced. All of Le Pen’s projects, in matters of security, diplomacy and defense, are a threat to France and to Europe, with its isolationists against Ukraine, NATO, the Eurozone…

Given the alliance of the PS with France Insoumise (LFI, extreme left), Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party, Macron said: “Léon Blum must turn, in his grave, astonished, at the alliance of his political family with an extreme left.” anti-European and anti-Semitic. During the European election campaign, Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the socialist list, defended sensible and reasonable ideas. Today, his party is negotiating electoral union with an extreme left that says exactly the opposite on European, ecological, energy and military matters.

The approach of the president of Los Republicanos to Le Pen’s party opens the division of the historic right

In the diplomatic field, Macron estimates that the extreme left and extreme right defend positions contrary to national interests and the future of Europe, warning of the catastrophic risks of a possible Le Pen government: “France is historically a balancing power, in Ukraine , in the Middle East, in Europe. France is an independent military and diplomatic power. The extreme left proposes a balkanized Europe, against NATO and against the nuclear power of France. Le Pen and his party called, at the time, for the exit of NATO, proposing very ambiguous positions on Putin’s Russia and the future of French and European independence.


In response to Macron’s statements, Marine Le Pen simply smiled ironically: “Mr. Macron has become nervous. He’s losing his nerve. “We are willing to govern.”

On the left, Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS, responded in these terms: “The cause of the current chaos is the President of the Republic, who has been incapable of responding to the legitimate concerns of our compatriots.” Sandrine Rousseau, spokesperson for the environmental movement, was harsher: «What is this guy talking about? Fascism is at the gates of power and it launches false news at all hours». Mélenchon responded with some brutality: “Macron embodies the strategy of chaos and religious wars to brutalize the elections.”

As France enters the political minefield that Macron describes with a certain optimism and caution, the Republicans party has divided itself grotesquely. On Tuesday afternoon, Éric Ciotti, president of the party, announced at his own risk and expense that LR had reached an electoral agreement with the National Rally, Le Pen’s party. The news fell like a stink bomb. Nicolas Sarkozy and the entire conservative elite reacted in unison. In his view, Ciotti had committed an infamous betrayal against the founding patriarch, Charles de Gaulle, and his entire political heritage, simply capital in the history of French conservatism.

The head of state believes that the extreme right and the extreme left have positions contrary to national interests

Requests for the expulsion of the president of the party poured in, in an emergency meeting of the bureau, made up of the president, the vice president, the secretary and the national treasureraccompanied by 80 historical members.

Faced with this threat, Ciotti ordered the LR security service to close the party’s premises and offices. The bureau requested the intervention of a judge, who ordered the Police to open the premises.

Ciotti reacted: «It was an illegal meeting. I am still the president of LR. I can file a judicial appeal…” The division of the historic right was consummated. The expelled president and an imprecise number of deputies will be inaugurated as candidates on the far-right lists.

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