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Meloni wants to eliminate references to abortion from the final G7 declaration | In tune with her government’s policies against the right to decide

The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, seeks to eliminate any reference to the voluntary interruption of pregnancy from the declaration that is being negotiated these days at the summit of G7 leaders that is carried out in his country, in line with the policies against the right to decide that he undertook during his government’s administration.

A source familiar with the negotiation told the Spanish newspaper this Wednesday The country that it was the Italian presidency that removed the reference to abortion that was in the first draft of the leaders’ final declaration and that, upon noticing the regression in the language of the declaration, the European and French delegations reacted and asked that the mention of abortion.

“We are facing a clear clash of values ​​between the members of the G7,” a senior European diplomat who participates in the debates told the media. “It is very unfortunate that the language on abortion has been weakened. It is the duty of the G7 to show leadership in promoting these values, not to back down from them.”he added.

Among Meloni’s recent actions against the right to terminate pregnancy in his country, the approval in April of a law that allows and finances the entry of anti-abortion associations into family offices stands out, ultimately attacking Law 194, which regulates abortion in Italy since 1978. The Senate gave the green light to this measure with 95 votes in favor, 68 against and one abstention, within the so-called “PNRR Decree”, a legislative text that includes items from the European funds of the Recovery Plan of the pandemic.

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