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They warn about high school absences in Uruguay

Today, the ANEP presented the 2023 Initial and Primary Education Monitor and considered children’s attendance at school “critical.”

“Low class attendance constitutes a structural problem of public initial and primary education in Uruguay,” says the report.

In 2023, 64 percent of children enrolled in primary education, and almost 83 percent of infants in initial education, found themselves in a situation of critical assistance, the report states.

It emphasizes that regular class attendance “constitutes one of the basic requirements for the continuation of the learning process and for the proper integration of children into school.”

The Monitor reported that of the 176.5 average school days in 2023, 25 percent of students from first to sixth missed more than 34 days (20 percent of classes), while 50 percent of minors were absent. absent for more than 22 days (13 percent).”

It details that school absence was higher in Montevideo compared to the interior, in the lowest grades compared to the highest, and in the most vulnerable levels of sociocultural context compared to those less vulnerable,” the text concludes.


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