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Juan Barreto warns that Chavismo could disqualify Edmundo González

The former mayor of Caracas and former member of Chavismo, Juan Barreto, assured in an interview on Globovisión that Chavismo could disqualify Edmundo González a few days before the presidential election on July 28.

Barreto referred to Rector Del Pino’s complaint about the National Electoral Council (CNE), highlighting that “the complaints are worrying, I propose to the CNE that they call the party directory and from there the errors and failures of the parties can be corrected.” this process that requires transparency.”

Likewise, he stated that his candidate, Enrique Márquez, is willing to sign the document proposed by the ruling party “but that does not mean that they will give a blank check to Chavismo and assured that this document must contain the possibility of having international observation in the electoral process.” ”.

In this sense, Barreto denounced the different ways in which Chavismo applies electoral advantage and assured that these are the things that must be addressed before signing an agreement with Chavismo.

On the other hand, Barreto warned that it is possible that the red dome disqualifies the MUD card and its candidate, Edmundo González, and also mentioned that this action could be announced a few days before the election in order for the opposition to be left without option and call for abstention.

He concluded by ensuring that even if Chavismo suspends the elections, there is no scenario where it can emerge victorious and added that even the bases of Chavismo are dissatisfied with Nicolás Maduro and the management he represents.

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