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Javier Milei met with the director of the IMF, after the organization’s request to advance in the release of the exchange rate trap

Javier Milei with the director of the IMF in Italy (REUTERS)

(Special Envoy to Bari, Italy) – Within the framework of his participation as a guest at the G7 summit, the president Javier Milei met this Friday with the director of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgievawith whom he spoke again about the economic plan he is carrying out and the Government’s goal of releasing the stocks, something that the financial institution also claimed. “It was a very good meeting”they detailed Infobae.

In the luxurious hotel complex Borgo Egnazawhere the meeting of the leaders of the most developed countries in the world has been taking place since Thursday, the Argentine head of state spoke alone with the head of the multilateral credit organization.

As this media learned, the meeting was delayed due to the general delay of all activities scheduled for this daybut in any case it was carried out, as planned and in a favorable context for Milei, which managed to get the Bases Law approved in the Senate and has been achieving downward inflation.

In addition, it came a day after the Fund reported that its staff approved the eighth review of Argentina’s Extended Facilities (EFF) program and authorized a disbursement of almost $800 million for the country.

Javier Milei with Kristalina Georgieva

In the official account that disseminates activities and statements from the Government, they published a short video of the conclave in which Milei and Georgieva exchange a few words:

JM: “What a huge pleasure. Always talk to you. It is always a pleasure to find her.”

KG: “I’m wondering the same. I’m wondering the same”.

JM: “I always love meetings because it is hyper transparent and I think we connect through transparency. “It’s a good point.”

KG: “Yes, yes, I think we do. “I think the other way we connected is that we both love economics and we love each other.”

JM: “Exact. The other day she was at dinner with a professor. And what are they talking about? Of Economy. Because liberals love to talk about economics.”

KG: “Exactly. Me too”.

JM: “And it is clear that those of us who enjoyed it. I think we also tried it in the talks.”

As anticipated by this media, the Government is currently seeking to advance in a new negotiation with the Fund to try to achieve a new loan, which is estimated to be around 15 billion dollars, to accelerate the exit from the stocks and the reactivation of the economy.

Karina and Javier Milei, Georgieva, Gerardo Werthein, Argentine ambassador to the United States, and Demian Reidel, economic advisor to the President

On this point, in fact, there was a coincidence, since this same Friday the deputy managing director of the entity, Gita Gopinathdemanded that the libertarian administration, through a statement, make the exchange rate policy more flexible, reduce subsidies and expand the Income Tax.

“Impressive progress has been made towards achieving overall fiscal balance and priority must now be given to further improving the quality of adjustment. “Efforts must continue to reform the personal income tax, rationalize subsidies and tax expenditures, and strengthen spending controls,” said the IMF official.

Milei and Georgieva had seen each other just a few hours before, in the room where the group’s sixth joint work session took place, in which they mainly discussed artificial intelligence and its potential risks, but also about energy and relationships with Africa and the Mediterranean nations.

The IMF asked Argentina to move forward with the exit of the exchange rate

On that occasion, the two spoke briefly and in a relaxed and informal manner, and even took photos of themselves smiling. Thenthey met again for the traditional extended family photo, in one of the complex’s squares.

For the image, Milei was located on the far right of the stage, where the other invited presidents were also present, that of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; from South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa; from Kenya, William Ruto; from Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; the Argelia, Abdelmadjid Tebbouneand from Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Ghazouani.

Also present were the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi; the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohamed bin Salman; he King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein from Jordan; he Pope Francisco; Georgieva and the head of the World Bank, Ajay Bangain addition to all the members of the G7.

Photo of extended family of the G7 (REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane)

The last time Milei and Georgieva had been together was on January 17, when they spoke at the Davos Economic Forum and the President ratified his political decision to apply a strong adjustment plan to end inflation and the fiscal deficit.

From that moment to date, the ruling party managed to meet its objective and, according to Indec data, the rate of increase in wholesale prices has been falling and the last recorded data, that of May, marked an increase of 4.2 percent. hundred.

On the other hand, in the only hour he had for official meetings, Milei also had a bilateral Ajay Bangawho heads the World Bank, and had two more on the agenda, with Meloni and Macron, which were not confirmed to have happened.

He had already seen the Italian Prime Minister, who invited him to the summit and greeted him with an affectionate hug when he arrived, in Rome on February 12, as part of a tour that also took him to the Vatican, where he had a audience with Pope Francis.

The President with the head of the World Bank

After this long day, the President will spend his last hours in Italy relaxing in the hotel where he is staying, near the city of Monopoli, since he will not attend the musical show by the renowned singer at night. Andrea Bocellinor to the toast and dinner offered by Meloni in one of the restaurants in Borgo Egnazia.

Already on Saturday morning, at 8:30 (local time, 3:30 in the morning in Buenos Aires) Milei will board the presidential plane again with his entourage to travel to Zurich. From there, she will travel by land to the city of Bürgenstock, to participate in the Global Peace Summit, organized by her counterpart from Ukraine, Volodomir Zelensky.

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