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The photo that Meloni published with Milei after the G7


The Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Melonipublished this Saturday morning (Argentine time) a photo with the president Javier Milei. The representative of the European right chose one in which they are both laughing and she is touching his arm, when she received the libertarian leader on the stage of the G7 yesterday.

To the image he added the typical Argentine phrase, “Long live freedom”written in Italian and with the flags of both countries.

Before, he had uploaded a video with his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modiwhich leads the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). “Hello friends, from #Melodi”, he noted. “Melodi” is the way in which the followers of both leaders name them, due to the union between Meloni and Modi.

Meanwhile, the prime minister grouped the rest of the world leaders in another post, where she thanked them for having participated in the event she organized and hosted.

By Alfredo Sainz

As if they were two parallel universes, the Argentina of the almost permanent economic crisis coexists with an entrepreneurial ecosystem that does not stop growing and that continues to seduce international investors.

The resilience, technical training and global vocation of local entrepreneurs end up prevailing in an economic situation dominated by concern about country risk or the threat of a run, which explains why funds from the United States, Mexico or Brazil continue choosing Argentine talent, despite the fact that the global supply of startups is almost infinite (it is estimated that there are more than 600,000 emerging companies worldwide, and the majority are located in the United States and China).

Victoria Akerman, Igor Piquet, Regina Zurutuza and Renzo Sesana.

In dialogue with THE NATION and within the framework of the Endeavor Buenos Aires Experience meeting that took place ten days ago, four of the investment funds that are betting the most in the region today explained what they see in Argentine entrepreneurs to finance their projects and why, Despite everything, Argentina continues to be seen outside as a land of unicorns.

Read the full note here.

The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovelloelected the former Macrista official as the new head of advisors, Lucas Fernandez Aparicio. The appointment of the official occurs after the resignation, on the last Friday of Fernando Szeresesky, Pettovello’s chief of staff since the beginning of his administration. The departure crowned weeks of extreme tension in the portfolio under which they were absorbed: Labor, Education, Culture and Social Development.

Lucas Fernandez AparicioArchive

The reasons that convulsed the ministry ranged from the complaint about food stored close to expiration, which they were forced to distribute by justice; the incessant departures of officials and the portfolio’s own denunciation of Pablo de la Torrewho held the Secretary of Children and Family since last December, amid reports of irregularities in contracts with the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI).

Read the full note here.

By Camila Dolabjian

Theoretical discussions about institutions usually remain in the background, overshadowed by practice and customs. But certain debates and unresolved differences can lead, in the case of Base Lawto subsequent problems regarding the constitutionality of its articles, so whether or not it will be authorized to make the Chamber of Deputies. The Magna Carta does not specify each particular situation and the law is not an exact science. Therefore, in recent days, faced with the approval in the Senatea heated dispute began between jurists, officials and legislators.

The main controversy revolves around what happens to the chapters that were completely discarded by the Senate (such as Profits or Personal Assets), which operated as a review chamber of the original project. It is of special importance in the face of this norm, which, although it is a complete project, has the characteristics of a compendium of laws as it deals with so many issues in different areas, although for the ruling party they are connected by the economic course that it intends to implement.

The debate is about the interpretation of the article 81 of the National Constitution. Firstly, it establishes that if the reviewing chamber makes “additions or corrections” to the original project, the chamber of origin has two options depending on whether it has been modified with an absolute or aggravated majority. To support the original articles, 50 percent plus one of those present or two-thirds would be required, depending on the vote in the reviewing chamber. If it achieves that same majority, it will be sent to the Executive Branch with the original wording. But, with the modified lyrics.

Read the full note here.

By Hector Guyot

This week, in the Senate, something more than the fate of a law was at stake. Congress was the arena in which two opposing forces were measured. On the one hand, the will to change; on the other, the resistance to those winds to keep things as they are. Therefore, if the Base Law did not pass, not only would the Government have been faced with a serious problem. In some way, the failure of the official project would have meant the endorsement of the people’s representatives for the corporate homeland and the stagnation of the country, that is, another boost to a process of degradation that has been going on for a long time and seems to have no end. The law came out. Just by one vote, but it came out. By a hair’s breadth, hope for change prevailed.

It operated in Congress, behind the convictions or conveniences of the senators, a force that somehow surpasses them and they cannot ignore, except at a high cost. It is the mandate for change from an exhausted society that is making an unprecedented sacrifice to turn the helm in the direction of the country, convinced that it is unfeasible to continue as we were. This is not an ideological question. The moral and material damage of decades of populism, clientelism and “legalized” mafias to fleece the State is palpable. Enter through the senses. It is felt in the pocket, in the lack of work, in the poverty that is seen in the streets, in the children who are leaving.. There is an unprecedented recognition and maturity in society, a product of how much the fall hurt after the combined impact of the pandemic and the efforts of Kirchnerism, crowned by the blow of his fourth government. The majority of society wants, demands, needs a change. Which does not translate into unconditionally approving the project Javier Milei.

Read the full note here.

The Office of the President (OPRA) thanked “the trust placed” by the People’s Republic of China “in the Government’s economic plan.” In addition, he defined the renewal of the swap by the Asian country as “a relief for the financial system” and stressed that “it contributes to the cleanup of the Central Bank’s balance sheet.”

“The respectful bond between both countries is fundamental for the commercial development and prosperity of both nations,” OPRA concluded in a statement published on the social network. x.

The national deputy of Pro Luciano Laspina He was enthusiastic about the different vision that society has today in relation to what it had when Mauricio Macri He was president between 2015 and 2019, he said. “The change of era is impressive.“, he pointed out in relation to the actions of the security forces on the protesters against the Bases Law and stated that “What La Libertad Avanza (LLA) did was learn from the political mistakes of Macrism” so as not to repeat them again.

“Do you remember the [Avenida] July 9 full of people from end to end? I said ‘this is impossible to solve,’” he recalled in Small Tablethe program that leads Jose Del Rio in LN+. And he said that he said the same thing last year to the current Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichwhen she was a candidate for president of Together for Change (JxC).

Read the full note here.

By Francisco Jueguen

The economic team will add a new resignation to the Government. The Secretary of Economic Policy in the Ministry of Economy, Javier Cottani He will resign from his position at the end of this month to return to New York. As reported in the Treasury Palace, Domingo Cavallo’s former Undersecretary of Financing made the decision for personal reasons. The economist José Luis Daza would replace him.

“He leaves at the end of June. She returns to New York because the family doesn’t come here. [para la Argentina] and he can’t keep coming and going,” they said in the Treasury Palace to THE NATION.

The same sources indicated that the intention is for the Argentine economist, but based in Chile, José Luis Daza, who worked with Caputo at JPMorgan and at Deutsche Bank, to take over in Cottani’s place. They even did the training program together at JPMorgan. However, the information is not yet confirmed because Daza “He also lives outside and is sorting out his personal issues.”

Read the full note here.

By Hernán Cappiello

The federal judge Maria Servini imprisoned 16 of those detained on Wednesday in Congress for causing destruction and clashing with police with fire bombs, while it released another 17 people who were among those arrested, they told THE NATION high judicial sources.

The criterion by which the release of the 17 detainees was ordered is that there was no evidence in the police summary to leave them imprisoned, among them there were no photographic images or filming of their participation in the violent attacks against the authorities.

During the Senate session that deals with the draft Base Law and Fiscal Package, violent events occurred in the vicinity between the security forces and people who had nothing to do with the movements that were demonstrating. Many militants tried to stop those who were throwing stones and who were the excuse for the forces that repressed everyone. Hernan Zenteno – La Nacion

Among the prisoners are David Sica, accused of hitting a police officer; Patricia Calarco Arredondo, for setting fire to a group of City government bicycles; Juan Ignacio Espinetto, delegate of the teaching union Ademys, who is in prison for attacking a motorcycle; Camila Belén Juárez Oliva was arrested for throwing stones; Nicolás Daniel Moyorga was arrested for throwing stones; Saya Jazmín Lyardet, from Socialist Workers Movementwho was arrested for throwing stones.

Héctor David Mallea was also detained, who was filmed participating in the excesses; Cristian Darío Ferreira, who was detained because he has a criminal record; Juan Pablo Colombo, imprisoned for throwing stones; María de la Paz Cerruti, arrested for kicking a police officer; Ramona Tolaba, who is imprisoned for throwing projectiles, and Lucia Belén Puglia, who is accused of kicking a police officer.

Read the full note here.


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