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Puigdemont charges against Sánchez for doing “blackmail” with the financing to obtain support for Illa: “A scandal in every sense”

Carles Puigdemont (REUTERS/Bruna Casas/File Photo)

Carles Puigdemont has charged against Pedro Sánchez a day after the President of the Government defended in an interview in The vanguard the possibility of “articulating unique financing for a territory as important as Catalonia.” The leader of Junts has called this possibility “a scandal in every sense” and has urged Sánchez to respond “if he intends to have the support that has allowed him to lead the Government despite his defeat at the polls.”

Do you think that the financing that we Catalans deserve depends on whether your party’s candidate is sworn in as president? Is all the injustice that we suffer, all the money that goes away, all the lack of budget execution that we have so far due to the fact that your party does not preside over the Generalitat? How else do you explain the very low level of execution of the general State budgets in Catalonia? Don’t you think that with your blackmail you are giving arguments to the Spanish people who think that we Catalans are demanding treatment that we don’t deserve? Puigdemont asked himself.

In the same message, he explains that “Catalonia needs its own economic agreement not as a concession for one or another to govern, but because the people of Catalonia have demanded it through their Parliament and he has ratified it in different elections.” He has criticized that the money that “the economic wealth of Catalonia and the taxes paid by workers and businessmen in Catalonia” allow “the Spanish government to invest in Madrid above what was budgeted”.

Playing with the well-being and future of Catalans as a currency for profits for the party seems immoral to me.“, he has assured and defending his party against those who criticize them for only remembering injustices when they affect them, he has criticized that “in Barcelona agreeing with the PP and in Catalonia offering to end an injustice only if the candidate is made president of his party.”

Finally, he highlighted that the next general budgets of the State ” They must speak very clearly if they want to have our support”, especially looking at the degree of budget execution, “because normally what they give you on the one hand – new financing model – they take away from you on the other – non-execution of budgeted investments -. And we already warned what the conditions were.”

Sánchez stated in an interview with the newspaper The vanguard that “It is compatible to improve the regional financing system from the multilateral level and at the same time articulate unique financing for a territory as important as Catalonia.”

The BOE publishes the amnesty law, which comes into force, but this is not over: it is the judges’ turn.

He highlighted the important role of ERC in stabilizing the political situation in Catalonia: “That must be recognized. Without his leadership and commitment there would be no pardons or amnesty.. And I want to add that large parties, with roots, like ERC, with more than 90 years of history, and the PSC must understand each other.”

“The future of Catalonia and to a large extent of Spain will depend on consolidating this strategic relationship between the PSC and ERC” explained the president, since, in his opinion, “in Catalonia there is a very important feeling among the citizens of stop a coalition government of PP and Vox and that we must give the progressive coalition government four years. “It would be a huge mistake for Junts to support a motion of censure with Abascal and Feijóo.”

About the PSOE meetings with Junts and ERC With international mediation, the President of the Government said that “we are in the phase of consolidating a space of trust and, therefore, it will allow me to be discreet. If we reach agreements, they will be absolutely transparent, public and known. But we are in the phase of consolidating trust between very distant parties.”

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