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International media report that the philosopher and writer Noam Chomsky would have died at the age of 95

03:40 PM

This Tuesday, international media reported on the possible death by the American intellectual Noam Chomsky at 95 years of age. The renowned philosopher, author and political scientist had been hospitalized in São Paulo, Brazil, since at least June 11 due to a stroke.

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Noam Chomsky was born in Philadelphia on December 7, 1928, into a family of Russian and Ukrainian Jewish immigrants. His father, William Chomsky, was an intellectual specialized in the Hebrew language. From a young age, during his years as a student at the University of Pennsylvania, Chomsky showed interest in philosophy and linguistics.

The philosopher and political scientist is the author of works such as Hegemony or survival (2004), failed states (2007), What we say is done (2008) and Who rules the world (2016).

Chosmky is considered one of the most influential intellectuals of the 20th and 21st centuries; He contributed to different fields of study, from linguistics to political philosophy, making him a central figure in multiple academic disciplines and public debates.

Much of his work was dedicated to questioning the way in which the United States has exercised global power. On the other hand, one of her greatest contributions to the field of linguistics was her theory of generative grammar, introduced in her work Syntactic Structures (1957). The author is also known for being a social and political critic. and one of the most prominent left-wing intellectuals in the world.

The political scientist was one of the intellectuals who He supported the candidacy and economic proposals of Gustavo Petro. Noam Chomsky has defended causes such as human rights, social justice and criticism of corporate power.

Author of more than 100 books and thousands of articles, lectures and interviews that continue to inspire generations of students, academics and activists. Its relevance lies in its commitment to the use of knowledge to make critical analysis and improve the functioning of society.

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Reactions to the death of Noam Chomsky

People have begun to react to the death of this intellectual. “Noam Chomsky was by far the greatest and best contemporary intellectual. He left a compass of humanity,” wrote one Internet user.

“Noam Chomsky He was always one of the intellectuals who did not allow themselves to be bought by Israel’s Zionist colonialism. He was a Jew committed to a free Palestine and a tireless activist. The world owes him admiration and recognition. May he rest in peace,” wrote another.

“Noam Chomsky has died at the age of 92, he leaves us what he thought about terrorism, drugs, democracy, the United States, China, etc., and also about the life and love that found him when he was 84 years old. Reading it these days. Peace on the grave of a leader of thought,” said another reader of his, who accompanied the message with a photograph of the book. Chomsky & Mujica: surviving the 21st centurywritten by Mexican author Saúl Alvídrez.

His legacy will live on as an example of how rigorous thinking and criticism can influence the world.

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