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What is the goal of Autism Pride Day?


He Autism Pride Day is commemorated every June 18 since 2005, thanks to the initiative of Aspies for Freedoman organization that fights for awareness about this spectrum. During this day, we try to express the need for understanding and knowledge of the challenges that people with this disorder face. It’s a day that works for guarantee the rights and make known neurodiversity in the world.

Autism also has another date dedicated in its honor, the World Autism Awareness Daywhich is celebrated each April 2.

The badge that represents the autism spectrumLiving with Autism

There is a badge recognized around the world to represent the autism spectrum. It’s about a infinity with rainbow colors. This tries to express the non-linear quality of this disorder, a band where the different experiences and particularities of each person align. The chromatic variety of this image also reflects the diversity that autism encompasses, trying to manifest its multiple possibilities.

He Autism Pride Day It aims to reflect these values, highlight the uniqueness of those who belong to this spectrum and fight against stigma, discrimination and social seclusion.

Keys to understanding autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

He autism spectrum disorder (ASD) It consists of one or several deficiencies that persist persistently throughout the development of an individual’s life. These may be related to communication, the way of functioning in society, reasoning and the way of carrying out certain tasks.

When it comes to a spectrum, its possibilities are diverse and can cover different manifestations in people. Some even have a pattern repetition or the restriction of these. Autism can also cause motor disturbance constantly or not at all.

It requires a specific evaluation and clinical follow-up to diagnose this disorder. Although many of the first signs can occur or be observed during the patient’s childhood, there are cases in which they are not able to obtain a medical opinion until adulthood. The approach by the healthcare system It occurs through therapies that provide support and help with their development and social insertion.

Autism Pride Day is commemorated every June 18 around the world.Manuel Cascallar

The World Health Organization (WHO) establishes that for every 100 children, one belongs to the Autistic spectrum. This figure has been obtained thanks to the increase in consultations in recent years. If compared with other previous studies, in 2007 one case was detected in every 160 infants. However, this does not mean an increase in cases, but rather it could be about how valuable a early detection and greater attendance at health institutions.

This way, The OMS affirms that to guarantee a better quality of life and accompany the patient in their development, giving them the necessary tools, it is essential to obtain a early diagnosis. This will help to know the needs and adversities that each person faces, which may be completely different in each case.


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