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Israeli Army “is one of the most criminal in the world”: UN Commission

The Israeli Army “He is one of the most criminal in the world“said this Wednesday one of the prominent jurists who make up a UN commission that investigates the crimes that are taking place in Gaza and that has concluded that the Israeli authorities are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“I do not have the authority to make judgments about morality, but I do have the authority to make assessments about criminal behavior (…) and the only conclusion that can be reached is that the Israeli Army is one of the most criminal in the world “said jurist Chris Sidoti.

It was when commenting on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that his military forces “they are the most moral in the world” when questioned about the number of Palestinian civilian victims in this war, more than 120,000 dead and wounded.

The Commission presented its report to the Human Rights Council today in Geneva, in which the violations of international humanitarian law and human rights it describes include: “extermination, intentional and direct attacks against civilians and civilian objects, murder and the use of starvation as a method of war”.

When commenting for the press on the conclusions of the report, the president of the UN commission, the prestigious South African jurist Navy Pillay, emphasized that from all the information gathered by the investigative team, the intention to force civilians to move a and again.

By instruction of the Israeli Army, “People from northern Gaza move to the south and suddenly they are attacked in the south, then we read contrary instructions, all of which point to an attitude in which lives, destruction and displacement are not taken into account.”

Sidoti said that in more than 70 years that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has lasted, such a strong level of violence has never been experienced and that although it can be understood that this occurred as a result of the Hamas attacks against Israel, on October 7, , “This does not justify the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity.“against the Palestinian population.

“The fact is that this happens again and again and it gets worse. We are facing the highest death toll we have ever seen in this protracted conflict and there must be justice for every criminal act.”he pointed.

Pillay explained that the investigation that the commission is carrying out – whose report today consists of more than 200 pages – is the most extensive and in-depth that the UN has carried out to date on the war in Gaza.

He explained that they have been able to count on the support of a network of highly qualified forensic experts, of hundreds of people and sources who sent them information, which was examined and contrasted, in order to document all the facts exposed. Documentary, audiovisual sources and satellite images were also used.

Pillay maintained that the Government of Israel “has obstructed“in every possible way the work of the commission, whose members have not been allowed to visit either their territory or the Palestinian territories they occupy, and also prohibited the medical personnel who treated the victims of the October 7 attacks from speaking with they.

The commissioners said they would also like to meet with freed Israeli hostages who wish to do so or with relatives of those still held captive, which they cannot do if authorities do not allow them to visit Israel.

Regarding the future, Pillay tried to inject some hope and asked the victims of this war to maintain hope, remembering that 70 years of conflict had to pass before the UN General Assembly asked the International Court for the first time of Justice a legal opinion on the illegality of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.


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