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Felipe VI reaffirms his “commitment and loyalty” to the Spanish people despite the “personal cost” of his decisions on the 10th anniversary of his proclamation

Speech by King Felipe VI on the 10th anniversary of his proclamation

He king Philip VI has taken stock of his first decade on the throne of Spain in a speech in which he expressed his “firm commitment” to the Spanish people and has assumed the “personal cost” of the decisions he has made in recent years to adhere to the principles of “coherence and integrity”.

The monarch has presided, together with his wife, Queen Letizia, and his daughters, the Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía, at the ceremony. imposition of decorations of the Order of Civil Merit in the Hall of Columns of the Royal Palace, where he addressed the recipients and the Spanish people.

In his speech, Felipe reaffirmed his “firm commitment to total dedication to Spain”, allowing himself to take a “balance with serenity and perspective” of his reign on the 10th anniversary of his proclamation. Thus, the monarch has expressed that his commitment to the values ​​of the Crown transcends the institutional and also marks his actions.on a personal and moral level”.

Felipe VI, during his speech for the 10th anniversary of his proclamation. (REUTERS/Juan Medina)

In this sense, the king insists on his “respect and loyalty to the Spanish people” and highlights “the importance of being consistent with the commitments assumed.” “This attitude is the basis of our integrity and implies being faithful to our principles and values ​​in all our decisions and actions. It involves making an effort to listen, discern what is correct from what is not and to act responsibly with that discernment, even assuming the personal cost that this may entail,” he stated.

Although the figure of the monarch is the only one that exercises the functions of representing the Crown in the monarchical system, King Felipe has wanted to recognize the primary role that his wife, the Queen Letiziahas had in this decade of reign.

Thus, Felipe VI has highlighted the “great support” that the queen has given him in these 10 years, pointing out her “will, dedication and sensitivity”. “It has contributed enormously to giving visibility to the needs of people, especially the most vulnerable,” she adds.

Solemn relief of the Royal Guard on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the proclamation of Felipe VI

Nor has there been a lack of mention of his two daughters, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía, who have been acquiring more prominence in the institution as they have grown: “Together with the young people of their generation, they have begun to live and understand, with necessary critical spirit and eagerness to learn“, the realities of our collective life and the complex dynamics of the world,” said the king.

In this way, Felipe VI has expressed that his commitment to the Crown “has continuity in the Princess of Asturias”, as was endorsed on October 31 with the swearing in of the Constitution by Princess Leonor before the Cortes after achieving the of age.

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