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Venezuela calls Citgo auction a “vulgar robbery” by the US and the right

Approximate reading time: 1 minute, 22 seconds

The president of the Venezuelan Parliament describes the sale of shares in the Venezuelan refinery Citgo as a “vulgar theft” by the US and the opposition.

“It is a vulgar theft from those who call themselves defenders of the market economy, defenders of free trade. They simply created a hoax upon another hoax to take over the main asset of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela abroad, the Citgo refinery system,” the head of the National Assembly (Parliament) of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, indicated this Tuesday. during the debate on the topic.

Rodríguez blamed the illegal auction of the national company in the US on “thieves” such as the leaders of the extreme opposition, including Horacio Medina, Leopoldo López, Juan Guaidó, José Ignacio Hernández and Julio Borges, who delivered it to Washington .

In this sense, he has alerted the nation about this type of criminal actions that would be carried out “if those barbaric thieves were to take power in this country”, indicating that those who handed over the Venezuelan company are the same ones who are now coming out to ask for the vote.

Caracas accused Washington of divesting its subsidiary of the state company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) and of illicitly selling its actions in the United States.

The parliamentarian has expressed that the subsidiary of the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA) “was a highly desired loot for years by those who hold real power in the United States.”

Rodríguez has made it clear that a court in the state of Delaware, USA, held a secret auction in order to determine the delivery to Washington and businessmen.

In this sense, he has said that opponents asked the US to “secretly” handle the sale of Citgo “so that it would not harm them electorally.”

The president of the Venezuelan Parliament has clarified that the assets of the Venezuelan refinery in the United States amount to 21 billion dollars and has asserted that the resources generated by the oil company were used mainly for children’s health care.

The Government of Venezuela on Monday repudiated the dispossession of its company by the United States and stressed that “the exercise of actions is reserved against any company or individual that acquires the shares, facilitates the purchase or negotiates with Citgo’s assets.”

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