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How to consume garlic to lower cholesterol and blood sugar

He garlic It is a common ingredient in meals in many places around the world, with an aroma and flavor that do not go unnoticed. But outside the kitchen, it is a food used as a natural remedy for its health benefits, key to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar.

“Choose appropriately the foods that we are going to add to our diet, added to the physical activity and Healthy habitsis essential for our health, they explain from Mayo Clinica non-profit entity dedicated to clinical practice, education and research.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, garlic is a source of proteins, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B6 and sulfur compounds. And, above all, the allicinthe most studied compound that demonstrated the most potential.

We talk about properties antioxidants, antiseptics, fungicides, bactericides and purifierswhich is why it is considered to help strengthen the immune system and improve cardiovascular health.

Anyway, It is always important to consult a doctor or nutritionist before making a decision related to food and health, so that it provides the best diagnosis according to each case.

What benefits does garlic provide to health?

Consuming garlic within a balanced diet could provide health benefits. In any case, by itself it does not represent a remedy or a protector against diseases.

Garlic is a common ingredient in different foods around the world. Photo Shutterstock.

In that line, some properties appear for protects arteries, combat hypertension and reduce cholesterol, as stated on the AARP site, the American non-profit and independent organization that serves the needs of people over 50 years of age.

Garlic as a natural antibiotic

Garlic is considered a very effective natural antibiotic to fight a large number of pathogenic microorganisms.

  • “Recent publications indicate that garlic extract has a broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against many types of bacteria and fungi”, explains a review carried out on garlic and its antibiotic properties.
  • They also talk about their antiparasitic properties To combat worms such as the tapeworm (tapeworm), specialized publications are added.
  • It is worth noting that garlic alone is not capable of curing an infection, although it can contribute to its treatment.


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Garlic improves circulation

It is said that garlic in general promotes good circulation and helps maintain blood pressure within normal.

A study published by the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) with a sample of 112 people with high cholesterol levels, as part of medical treatment, showed that regular consumption of garlic with lemon juice helped improve cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Eat garlic to lower cholesterol

Scientific work reveals that raw garlic helps lower total cholesterol. Photo Shutterstock.

Precisely along these lines, although experts claim that it does not help reduce bad cholesterol, scientific work reveals that raw garlic is very powerful when it comes to lower total cholesterol.

It also reduces triglyceride levels in the blood, according to studies carried out by the Institute of Toxicology of Shandong University in China.

Garlic to strengthen the immune system

The contribution of proteins, B vitamins and others From garlic, it can be said that it could help strengthen the immune system.

For example, saying that frequent consumption of garlic, within a healthy diet, can help raise the defenses.

Consume garlic to lower blood sugar

The antioxidants What garlic contains helps improve blood flow, something essential for diabetics, because it expands the distribution of glucose in the body.

Diabetes is characterized by high blood glucose levels. Photo Shuttersteock.

Garlic contains properties that increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin, the hormone secreted by the pancreas to facilitate the absorption of glucose into the bloodaccording to a study published in the journal BioMedCentral.

At the same time, a research that publishes Medical News Todayassures that garlic can reduce blood sugar but not triglycerides

The meta-analysis found a significant association between garlic intervention and improvement in different metabolic markers.

On the other hand, taking into account that there is a myth surrounding garlic and its influence on cancer, today, the National Cancer Institutepart of the NIH, does not recommend any dietary supplements for prevention.

How to consume garlic to obtain its benefits

Certain beliefs indicate that the ideal is consume it raw to take full advantage of all its benefits.

However, it is not necessary to do it this way every time, not only to avoid getting bored of its flavor and to be able to integrate it naturally into our daily lives.

Garlic and oregano tea, a combination with multiple health benefits.

Another option is to consume it through tablets, capsules, extracts, paste or even garlic infusion, which retain much of their properties. A highly effective way against bad breath that causes, spreads Better with Health.

Although it is most recommended to consume it raw, you should not be extreme. It is better to enjoy it regularly, within a balanced diet, according to our needs and objectives in terms of well-being, specialists warn.

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