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Maduro predicts that Venezuela will be the economic surprise of South America (+Photo)

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In audio released by Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez at the closing of the International Economic Development Seminar in Caracas, the president thanked the participation of foreign guests such as former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa and former Foreign Minister Ricardo Patiño, among others.

We have gone through an economic war, they could not and will not be able to and we took the path of a new economic model, through which we achieved important figures, he declared.

He highlighted that the exchange system and the slowdown in inflation reached the lowest figure in 20 years at the end of May with economic growth in the real non-oil economy and investment.

I dare to say that if China is the amazement of the world as a development superpower, “Venezuela economically is going to be the amazement of South America economically,” he stressed.

The Seminar, Maduro highlighted, comes to nourish this country in the period of construction of a new diversified economy, to satisfy internal needs, produce physical and monetary wealth, which allow “fulfilling the objective of serving human beings, society and social rights.”

Rodríguez stated that the country is coming from very difficult times and recalled the foreign currency income that fell by 99 percent and lost more than 600 billion dollars as a result of the blockade, which “are barbaric figures” that express the transition of Venezuela. .

He praised the recovery in recent years with macroeconomic balances such as annualized inflation that closed at 59 percent last month and the supply of 97 percent with national production, “after a brutal shortage that hit in 2015.”

The Minister of Economy, Finance and Foreign Trade also indicated that the Bolivarian Republic is going to grow with indicators higher than that predicted by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) of four percent. .

It meant that at the end of the first quarter of 2024, the South American nation achieved seven percent of the Gross Domestic Product, which predicts higher growth than projected by ECLAC and the IMF.

Rodríguez assured that his country’s oil energy reserves “are for the development and promotion of Latin America as a region and not for the global north to continue imposing models of extortion and geopolitical blackmail on the people and governments of the world.”


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