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International Yoga Day: how to incorporate this practice into our daily lives – Notes – A morning for all

This year the 10th International Yoga Day is celebrated with the theme “Yoga for the individual and for society”. It is a transformative practice that represents the harmony of mind and the body, the balance between thought and action, and the unity of moderation and plenitude. Integrates the body, mind, spirit and soul.

In this way, it offers a holistic approach to health and the well-being that brings peace to our hectic lives. His transformative power is what he celebrates every year.

Yoga focuses on mindful breathing, meditation, and gentle movement, which helps calm the nervous system, reduce stress hormone levels, and promote a sense of inner peace. Its regular practice promotes mental well-being and emotional resilience.

Is a physical, mental and spiritual practice of ancient tradition, which originated in India. The word “yoga” comes from Sanskrit and means unity because it symbolizes the union of body and mind. Nowadays, various forms of yoga are practiced and its success and number of followers is increasing all over the world.

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The celebration of this day serves to raise awareness among the population about the benefits of practicing yoga. India proposed the draft resolution to establish International Yoga Day and received support from 175 Member States.

The World Health Organization (WHO) asked Member States to encourage physical activity among citizens. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the ten most frequent causes of death in the world, and a key factor in non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Dr. Christian Leiva, doctor at the Posada del Qenti (MP. 31.209/1) spoke with Chain 3 and explained how to incorporate yoga into our daily lives. “It reduces blood pressure, improves heart rate, helps relaxation, reduces stress, improves concentration, improves coordination, helps sleep better and improves digestion, among the main concepts. To this we can add that, for For example, it helps a lot for people who smoke to keep from smoking again, to be much calmer, and so on.

He also indicated that yoga is extremely essential because it has been shown that blood pressure in people who practice it is between three and five points below the usual average. “There is a lot of difference that we can make with these practices. So, if we improve concentration, reduce stress, improve blood pressure and improve heart rate, we are already giving many benefits to the body with a practice that includes three basic things” .

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In that sense, Leiva said that there are more than 10 kinds of styles of yoga. “Some are much more passive, others much more active. But they all have the same thing: the breathing part, the postures and the meditation. So, that’s what I have to focus on, on improving breathing, on trying to improve flexibility , strength, balance with postures and having moments of meditation, to be able to calm the mind and help us relax.”

Asked about how to get started in the world of yoga, the doctor explained a very simple practice to keep in mind. “In those essential minutes at the start of the day, I have to get up calmly, start breathing deeply, try to improve my posture, stay upright, open my chest wide for the first breaths and try to calm the mind in those minutes.”

The specialist, in dialogue with Chain 3, He recommended stretching as far as you can without feeling pain and maintaining as straight a posture as possible. “This is based precisely on the union of the body, mind and soul. That is why I have to be extremely aware of which area I am stretching.”

In addition to the physical work with the postures, the meditative component of yoga. “Be attentive to what happens to me at that moment, while I breathe deeply.” This exercise allows you to connect body-mind and helps you be in the present.

The feeding It is another point to take into account, as Leiva explained. It is essential to maintain a high water consumption and engage in regular physical activity.

The specialist said that, with just five minutes of practice a day, significant benefits can be achieved: “This, as the days go by, has an effect that is not only progressive, but it is increasing and I will achieve more and more.” benefits”.

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Report by Lucía González.

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