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The seven key phrases from Carolina Cosse’s speech

During the closing of the campaign, the presidential candidate of the Frente Amplio left several concepts against the government and towards the internal party.

The presidential candidate of the Frente Amplio, Carolina Cosse, He led his campaign closing with a speech where he targeted the president’s government Luis Lacalle Pou for its policies regarding economy and security.

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From the Club Atlético Aguada, Cosse also sent messages to the FA internal team, with allusions to the criticism made by the former president. Jose Mujica and the former vice president Lucia Topolansky, who support Yamandu Orsi.

The mayor of Montevideo in license use also highlighted the representation that the interior has, a topic precisely questioned from the MPP, while he insisted on unit of the opposition party.

The salient points of Cosse’s speech

Below are the most notable phrases from the speech:

  • “There is no smile or selfie that can hide how conservative this government is. He has communicated very well, but he has been very bad at transforming reality. “He has dedicated an enormous amount of energy and time to covering up the scandals that are generated instead of governing.”
  • “This government has been strong with the weak and weak with the strong. He hasn’t been so hard on the narcos who roam the neighborhoods, nor with the businessmen who finance the drug route and who They launder money.”
  • We present an immediate action plan, with more than 50 concrete actions, in the face of the pressing problem of security. Enough of slogans, enough of the smoke. People need a strategy to achieve less violence, less inequality and more coexistence.”
  • “No matter how stick give me, from outside or from inside, My answer is and will always be the same: unity, unity, unity. Unity is the origin of the FA, it is its path and it is its destiny.”
  • “They saw that sometimes the forecast says it’s going to rain and it rains and sometimes it says it’s not going to rain and you say ‘just in case, I’ll take my umbrella.’ The forecasts are also wrong. The only one survey what counts at the polls. So, what we have to do is fill them with votes.”
  • “In the first government of Tabare Vazquez A budget was allocated to education like it had never had before and that allowed the Udelar extended towards the interior and later allowed the government of Pepe (Mujica) that the UTEC and today, walking around, one finds and knows the presence inside.”

  • “It is time in this historical stage for a woman to reach the Presidency of the Republic”.
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