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The relief of the longest day of the year

* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

I share in the Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia this photograph that captures the first sunrise of summer and the longest day of the year on the Mar Bella beach in Barcelona, ​​with the lifeguard hut as one of the main elements of the image .

On June 20, in the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice was celebrated, the astronomical phenomenon that marks the longest day and shortest night of 2024.

This event occurs when one of the Earth’s poles tilts closer to the Sun than at any other time of the year. The result is maximum daylight hours.

In Spain, the summer of 2024 officially began this past June 20 at 10:51 p.m., according to the National Astronomical Observatory.

This summer solstice marks the arrival of astronomical summer in Spain, but at the same time it is also the beginning of a gradual process in which the days begin to shorten.

It must also be taken into account that the meteorological summer, which is not the same as the astronomical summer, began on June 1 in the countries of the northern hemisphere and will last until August 31. It marked the end of meteorological spring, which began on March 1.


The first sunrise of summer and the longest day of the year on the Mar Bella beach in Barcelona.

Agus Villa / @agviisphoto


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