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The effects of eating avocado every day on the brain


The avocado It is native to Central and South America, specifically from countries such as Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela. However, the production of this food has spread to other places.

The effects of eating avocado every day on the brainnick

The nutritional values ​​of the avocado stand out for being, above all, a rich source of healthy fats, since they contain vitamin E, K, C, magnesium and potassium, which help maintain brain health and prevent cognitive deterioration, according to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN).

This food provides oleic acid, which helps improve memory, because it is crucial for the creation and maintenance of brain cells.

The effects of eating avocado every day on the brainGETTY IMAGES

A study carried out by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, in the United States, studied several people for 12 weeks and the results were published in the Journal of Psychophysiology.

Naiman Khan, study coordinator and professor of kinesiology and public health, explained more about this research: “Previous work has shown that overweight or obese individuals “They suffer an increased risk of cognitive decline and senile dementia as they age.”

The effects of eating avocado every day on the brain

Avocados are rich in lutein, a natural food compound with antioxidant properties associated with an improvement in cognitive capacity and helps brain health.

In the study, researchers provided daily meals to 84 adults, some ate avocados daily and others not as frequently. Those people who ate this food daily improved their results in the cognitive tests they performed each week, while the others were easily distracted and could not stay focused.

“It could be that the nutrients in avocados have a specific action on the brain that contribute to the ability to perform this particular task, or they may be more beneficial for some cognitive abilities than others,” Khan added.

Avocados are rich in fiber and monounsaturated fats and, according to scientists, these nutrients could play a fundamental role in brain health.

“Future analyzes could focus on those other nutrients, or how avocado influences other measures.” such as weight status, inflammation and potential microbiome changes,” concluded Khan.

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