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Two Israeli soldiers injured, one seriously and one slightly, in Hezbollah attack

Jerusalem, June 24 (EFE).- Two Israeli soldiers were injured, one seriously and the other slightly, after the impact of an anti-tank missile launched from Lebanon against the Metula area, about 150 meters from Israel’s northern border. , late on Sunday, according to a military statement issued today.

The injured, reservists who are part of the security team in this area, were taken to the hospital after the attack.

“After closely monitoring the Israeli enemy forces at the Metula site and spotting a military vehicle moving through the site, and after it reached the ambush point, the Islamic Resistance (Hizbullah) fighters attacked it with guided missiles,” the Lebanese Shiite militia Hezbollah said in a statement.

For its part, the Army launched a series of air strikes against southern Lebanon throughout the night, targeting Hezbollah’s military infrastructure in Aitaroun.

They also attacked pro-Iranian militia positions in Kafr Kila, a ghost town attached to the divide and destroyed as a result of the escalation of violence with Israel, or Khiam, about nine kilometers from the border.

The two soldiers injured in the latest exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah join another soldier who was seriously injured early Sunday afternoon, without the Army providing more information on the matter.

In recent weeks, the Iron Dome, the Israeli air defense system, has failed on numerous occasions in its attempts to intercept rocket launches from Lebanon, which do not stop amid the escalation of violence on the divide.

Added to these is the growing use of drones by both sides to launch attacks.

Yesterday, Hezbollah attacked Israeli positions in response to the death yesterday of Ayman Ratma, a member of Hamas and Jamaa Islamiya – the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Lebanon – in an Israeli attack on his vehicle.

The border between Israel and Lebanon is experiencing its highest peak of tension since 2006 with an intense exchange of fire since October, which has claimed the lives of at least 500 people, most on the Lebanese side and in the ranks of Hezbollah, which has confirmed about 320 militia casualties, some in Syria.

Hostilities on the divide began on October 8, the day after the war broke out in the Gaza Strip, in solidarity between Hezbollah and the Palestinian Islamist militias in the enclave; although the crossing of fire has intensified greatly in recent weeks, which raises fears of an open war between the parties. EFE


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