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Pilot experiences moments of terror when the plane’s canopy opens in mid-flight

Dutch pilot Narine Melkumjan experienced terrifying moments in the air when he faced a complicated situation during the flight of his small plane. The hood that covered her as a pilot opened unexpectedly.

It all started when Narine Melkumjan was piloting the Extra 330LX aircraft and when performing a maneuver to turn to its right side, the plane’s hood detached from one of its sides, leaving the pilot exposed, visibly scared and worried.

Why did the plane’s canopy come off?

Thus, the force of the wind began to hit the face of the Dutch pilot, who had to endure the natural inclemencies to maintain control of the aircraft. Even though the wind destabilized her and could have caused an accident, Melkumjan managed to maintain control and avoid a possible collision.

Despite being left exposed after her plane’s canopy came off while trying to turn to the right, Pilot Melkumjan completed the trip without incident thanks to his vast experience and solid flight history.

How pilot Narine Melkumjan managed to survive

During the almost two minutes that pilot Narine Melkumjan flew with the canopy of her plane open, Being exposed to the force of the wind, she managed to maintain control and strive to reach a landing strip, resisting the distortion caused by the air on her face.

Narine Melkumjan managed to land without incident or injury after the incident, which was recorded by a video camera installed in the cabin of the plane. The footage has accumulated almost half a million views.

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