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Woman sues company because it paid her to “do nothing” for 20 years

It seems like a story not to be believed, but a French woman sued the company she worked for for more than 20 years, arguing that she suffered moral harassment and discrimination, this because she was hired to “do nothing.”

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The protagonist of this story is Laurence Van Wassenhovw, who suffers from hemiplegia, a type of disorder that causes total or partial paralysis of one side of the body.

According to Playground, Laurence had initially been hired by a company that, in 1993, was sold to another. With this change of administration, Her new workplace did not have the necessary elements for her to work properly.

The year Laurence’s life changed

The woman stated that in 2003, an occupational doctor confirmed that the offices where she worked were not suitable for her and that it was strictly necessary to make adaptations, but months passed and nothing changed.

Seeing the company’s disinterest in making the necessary adjustments, This woman felt that her bosses wanted to force her to resign. Furthermore, she felt isolated and distanced from professional and social integration.

“I am a disabled worker, not a sick person”

Laurence got tired, this despite the fact that During these 20 years they always paid him his salaryand went to a lawyer to sue four company directors.

Hiring a person with a disability means recognizing their work and helping them better integrate into society. In this case, my client was denied all of this by being forgotten for 20 years, in the hope that she would resign from her position,” said Laurence’s lawyer, David Nabet-Martin.

Laurence demands that he be compensated with more than 650,000 euros, that is, 2,630,998,812 Colombian pesos.

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