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An expert in non-verbal language analyzed the gestures of Victoria Caillava and Carlos Pérez, the married couple detained due to Loan’s disappearance: “There is an armed speech and she has no traces of anguish”

Written in TELEVISION he 6/25/2024 · 08:49 a.m.

The desperate search continues for Loan Danilo Peña, the child who disappeared 12 days ago in the province of Corrientes. The investigation is progressing but there are still no details, although there are many hypotheses.

The married couple of municipal official Victoria Caillava and former military man Carlos Pérez, who attended the lunch at Loan’s grandmother’s house where he was last seen, is on the list of suspects and was therefore arrested.

The last photo of Loan at his grandmother’s house

Prior to this, the journalist Paula Bernini had managed to interview them for TN and the note was later analyzed by Daniel Zazzini, an expert in non-verbal language who obtained conclusions by comparing what they said, how they said it and the gestures they had in that hand in hand. .

“The first point is to refer to what Paula said, who mentioned that they asked to be asked about certain things. That gives you the idea that they already had the speech prepared. To that we can add The topic of details: If I ask any of those who are here about a barbecue they went to three days ago, what time they left, what they did hour by hour, they are not going to remember. They’re going to tell me I went out, I looked for so-and-so and that’s it. The level of detail they have corresponds to an armed speech“said Zazzini, although he clarified: “This does not mean that it is a lie or that it is true, simply that he is armed.”

The note from which the gestures of two detainees were analyzed

It was then that one of the journalists in the study wanted to know if an innocent person, in his eagerness to defend himself against such an accusation, would not be able to gather such precise details. The expert opined: “There are people who may have more than that.” retaining the details but there is always data that escapes. They for example say: we left 11:32. In general, one would say “I left around such and such time. It’s too much detail repeated over and over again.”

On the other hand, he explained: “Although she cries, she does not have a sign of anguish or stress on her entire face. If you are under that level of pressure, feeling bad, you are going to show some sign of anguish or stress but in this case, she is leaning on the table and I would even tell you that it is comfortable throughout the note.

However, Zazzini made a difference with respect to Carlos López: “He did show signs of stress. I don’t think he was thinking about appearing in the note. Another thing that is noticeable is the position of authority he exercises over her, for example when he hugs her. He does not give containment but rather marks authority by sitting behind her and touching her with just a finger.

“If you notice, López never names Loan, he always says ‘the boy’. It’s a way of saying ‘this isn’t as important as what’s happening to me. His countenance is hard. He adds a few things but nothing more. Even when she talks about the dirt on the truck and whether they washed it or not, she laughs. “You can laugh at the nerves but not at that point.”

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