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They revealed a compromising photo of Victoria Caillava in the middle of the search for Loan that expands the investigation: “It’s scary”

In Very early in the morningEstefi Berardi He was horrified when he saw a photo of his brother’s social networks. Maria Victoria Caillavawith his family, in which he appears in one of the typical sanctuaries of the province of Currents: “It’s scary,” he said.

The controversial chat was leaked with Laudelina’s invitation to Victoria Caillava for the lunch in which Loan disappeared: “With my husband”

They revealed a compromising photo of Victoria Caillava in the middle of the search for Loan that expands the investigation

God grant that this is not the case, but I see the altar that Loan’s grandmother had yesterday and it gives me something strange. Yesterday, I found a photo of Caillava’s brothers who also worship San La Muerte”, said panelist Carmen Barbieri.

The audio that Victoria Caillava sent was leaked, after finding out the results of the investigation of her car for Loan’s disappearance: “Did you see what’s on television?”

Here is a photo preaching… all this scares me“He added, while looking at the images that appear on social networks of the brother of Victoria Caillavathe former official detained for the disappearance of Loan Peña in Corrientes.

They revealed a compromising photo of Victoria Caillava in the middle of the search for Loan that expands the investigation (Photos: Facebook).

The photos of Victoria Caillava’s family that attracted attention on the networks, after Loan’s disappearance

But that’s very country. Look in Mexico, there everyone has altars“Carmen Barbieri warned the dancer, who demonstrated her ignorance of the representations of the Creole saints observed in the northern provinces.Those are beliefs, it does not mean that they make sacrifices“, Diego Ramos pointed out.

Given this exchange, Ricardo Canaletti He made another comment about it: “One of the sisters is called Librada, who if I’m not mistaken is a pagan saint who has a complicated history.”, he warned.

“If he didn’t hand her over, she killed him”: an alleged sister of Loan’s uncle appeared and incriminated him with chilling accusations

It should be noted that, the Corrientes town of 9 de Julio is just 100 kilometers from the city of Mercedeswhere the pagan cult of the Gauchito Gil already Saint Deathtwo representations that have large sanctuaries there and their images are replicated on Argentine routes, as well as in Paraguay.

For that reason, to the people of the north and the countryside, the altar with several saints and virgins that the family of Loan Penabecause it is a deeply rooted custom in the interior, where they have local holidays for some of the festivities.

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