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They found the US Navy’s underwater super drone on Google Maps.

The United States is one of the countries that has invested the most in its security and that is why every day more progress is seen in this aspect on its streets, roads and seas.

According to the criteria of

This is the case of ‘Manta Ray’ an underwater drone which will cover long-duration underwater missions.

The signature Northrop Grumman, known as a major supplier of military technology to the United States Army, showed in some videos on platforms such as YouTube, this first prototype of the UUV, which means, the first unmanned underwater vehicle.

This was called ‘Manta Ray’, as it has a shape similar to a huge manta ray, which was released last April. This underwater vehicle does not require being manned by humans and has a great range and load capacity inside.

The company that created it He built it at the request of the Defense Agency for Advanced Research Projects, known as Darpawhich needed a transport with some functionalities such as:

  • That it was capable of ‘hibernating’ at the bottom of the sea until it needs to activate.
  • That its design is based on modules, allowing efficient transportation so that it can be sent to any part of the world.
  • An autonomous vehicle that does not need human supervision.
  • That can carry cargo anywhere inside.

Although it is a transport that is not secret, the agency forgot to keep it safe and in February or March of this year, It was captured by a Google Maps camera who was taking some shots in the area where he was in a port in California.

This photo allows the user to have an idea of ​​how big this underwater drone is, whose First tests demonstrated hydrodynamic performance at sea.

According to Manta Ray program manager Kyle Woerner, This will not be the only submarine of this typebecause what it seeks is to have several of these autonomous vehicles that have a large carrying capacity inside without the need for human supervision.

“Our successful full-scale test of Manta Ray validates the vehicle’s readiness to advance toward real-world operations after being rapidly assembled in the field from modular subsections. The combination of modular cross-country transport, field assembly and subsequent deployment demonstrates a unique capability for an extra-large UUV.”Woerner said in a statement in May.

The tests carried out on the underwater drone were effective, demonstrating its multiple propulsion modes, vehicle direction, buoyancy and propeller surfaces.

The underwater drone can be used in underwater mapping activities, mine detection and passive surveillance, Well, that is another of its capabilities, being able to camouflage itself in the environment and wait for it to be activated to be able to carry out its missions.


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