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Science says it: These are the benefits of eating chocolate in winter

After the passage of the strong frontal system that hit some regions of our country, during the last few days we have felt much colder days so a good cup of coffee or tea is always a good idea, but there are other cravings that also increase in this time. date.

Chocolate is irresistible all year round, but on colder days, It seems like it tastes even better. and the best of all is that, if consumed responsibly, It may even have some benefits.

The director of the School of Nutrition and Dietetics at the Bernardo O’Higgins University, Ximena Rodríguez, gave the scientific explanation for this situation.


Before knowing the benefits that chocolate gives us, the expert pointed out that it is important to know how to distinguish the different types that exist. “Its positive effects They are achieved when cocoa is present in more than 60% of the productwhich is the case of dark chocolate,” he noted.

“It is something very different from the sweets that we sometimes consider chocolate, made from fats and sugars, and which have a lower cocoa content,” he added.

This type of chocolate It provides minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, as well as vitamins A and B complex vitamins, which promote circulation and transmission of nerve impulses.

Chocolate. Photo: Getty Images.

Also, dark chocolate “has effects on cardiovascular healthpreventing the oxidation of LDL, known as bad cholesterol, and the obstruction of the vascular wallswhich could lead to heart attacks or thrombosis,” explains Ximena.

On the other hand, it also has antioxidant power: “Flavonoids, which are present in high proportion, protect the body’s tissues from oxidative stress, helping to prevent different diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular“, highlights the academic.


Many people They tend to feel a little more down with the arrival of winterthis can be caused by the cold or lack of sunlight, however, the good news is that chocolate can help reverse this situation.

Chocolate impacts people’s mood, since it contains tryptophanwhich is an essential amino acid used by the brain to produce serotoninknown as the “happiness hormone.”

Of course, Ximena points out that it is important to be informed when choosing chocolate, whether by checking the nutritional labeling or the ingredients. “It is key, in addition to controlling the portions, to review the components since, in general, chocolates that are not high in cocoa contain sugar, whole milk powder, emulsifiers and flavorings,” he warned.

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