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José Mujica danced to the rhythm of Ruben Rada at an event of the Frente Amplio of Uruguay and it went viral

Former president José Mujica dances to a song by Ruben Rada at the closing ceremony of the Frente Amplio campaign

(From Montevideo, Uruguay) The radiotherapy sessions to which the former Uruguayan president was subjected Jose Mujica They coincided with a good part of the electoral campaign ahead of the internal elections. The historic Uruguayan leader was diagnosed with esophagus cancerbut he also participated in electoral events in support of Yamandu Orsithe pre-candidate of Wide Front favorite to win this Sunday’s internal elections for the leftist coalition.

This Wednesday, the three candidates of the Frente Amplio – in addition to Orsi, the mayor of Montevideo, Carolina Cosseand the mayor of Salto, Andres Lima– participated in a closing event of the electoral campaign that had Mujica in the audience.

Before the oratory of the three candidates for the Presidency began, Ruben Rada He sang for the Frente Amplista militancy and a video went viral on social networks. On one side of the stage, the former Uruguayan president danced to the rhythm of the best-known songs of the renowned Uruguayan musician. He was accompanied by his wife, the former vice president Lucia Topolansky.

José Mujica dances to music by Ruben Rada at the closing ceremony of the Frente Amplio (MPP) campaign

Mujica’s treatment involved 32 sessions of radiotherapywhich he had to attend every day at 7 in the morning, as detailed in an interview with the program Nothing to lose of M24. Although that routine is now over, it still suffers from some inflammatory consequences. “I am noticeably better, but it weakens me a lot and that is what could be done in my case. The doctors are betting on eliminating (the tumor), but we will see,” she said.

Mujica will have to wait about 50 days to know the result of the success of the treatment.

His personal doctor, Raquel Pannone, said on the program the things in their place of Radio Sarandí that the leader (who turned 89) is recovering and that he managed to finish the process thanks to his “physical and emotional strength.” The professional highlighted that the former president was able to “tolerate the radiotherapy sessions very well.”

“The treatment is very aggressive in itself and that causes some side effects, but he has handled it very well and is recovering. You see that he is in different activities,” he said, referring to his public participations, which included tours throughout the interior of the country.

The musician Ruben Rada at the closing ceremony of the Frente Amplio (MPP) campaign

Pannone assured that one of the fears of the treatment was that he would not be able to tolerate it due to the patient’s advanced age and the comorbidities he has, given that he has had an immunological disease for decades. “Without a doubt, he has a lot of physical and emotional strength, and that allowed him to complete the entire treatment without major difficulties.“, he said.

Regarding the future, the doctor expressed that it is necessary to “wait calmly” and “without anxiety” for Mujica to continue recovering. “In a couple of months, but not before, we plan to re-evaluate it to see the repercussions and effect of the treatment, which I hope will be curative. Therefore, we are going to wait,” Panonne said.

In his public appearances, Mujica has praised Orsi. In the last radio interview, he pointed out that the favorite of the internal Broad Front “had a gift” which was managing the department of Canelones for “so many years”, first as general secretary of the mayor’s office and then as mayor. According to the leader, this department allows us to “understand the country much more.”

José Mujica with Yamandú Orsi, at the closing ceremony of the Broad Front candidate’s campaign (Eitan ABRAMOVICH / AFP)

The former president, however, stressed that each of the Front candidates has their own “personality” and that, whoever wins, they will be supported by the entire left-wing coalition. “They are three excellent colleagues and there will not be a major problem,” he said.

“The problem is facing the (government) coalition. I think that the political system has to think with a more national criterion and not only up to the Santa Lucía River,” he said, referring to the fact that the proposals must go beyond the metropolitan area of ​​the country.

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