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wife of former Honduran president Orlando Hernández

The former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernandez55 years old, He was sentenced to 45 years in prison by the United States justice system for conspiring with drug traffickers.which could mean he would spend the rest of his life in prison.

To talk about this sentenceLa W spoke with Ana García Carias, wife of Orlando Hernándezwho assured that this is a case where justice was “instrumentalized” to persecute.

These are cases where justice is used to persecute the adversary.. Today in Honduras there are many people convinced of injustice,” he indicated.

It was thus that he assured that The extradition request sent by the United States did not have any evidenceonly the testimony of two witnesses.

DEA setup against Orlando Hernández?

García commented that, following some at least 30 deaths that were attributed to the State during the Hernández presidency, The United States government reduced the budget for that country because they had lost confidence.

In this way, he stated that it was DEA agents who “They killed the civilians today they go unpunished, they were never investigated.”

Orlando Hernández’s fight against drug trafficking and crime

The wife of the former Honduran president assured that the Hernández government took various measures to combat drug trafficking, but denounced that agents “They began to work closely with drug traffickers who were interested in taking revenge on my husband.”

What consequences will the conviction bring?

He expressed that the fight against drug trafficking remains at risk because “there will be no one who wants to stand against these organizationsthey reward the same criminals who committed perjury in the courts of the United States.”

Justice is used to persecute: wife of former Honduran president Orlando Hernández

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