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The Broad Front closed its campaign with optimism: We will return

In that sense, Cosse, the criticism made by the traditional parties at the beginning of the Ceiba Planl under the government of Tabare Vazquez, and that, however, his political strength “went forward.” Likewise, he recalled that the National Party (PN) “he wanted to privatize everything” when Luis Alberto Lacalle de Herrera He was president between 1990 and 1995.

“They hide their ideas, we are all progressive now”

“What other things does the right do? They hide their ideas, we are all progressive now,” said the Broad Front candidate in an ironic way. “And after they win, what happens? They weren’t prepared and they weren’t progressive,” she continued.

It is reasonable that they want to hide that they are right-wing or conservative, who is going to feel proud?Can you feel proud of lowering the real salary of workers for four consecutive years? Can you feel proud of lowering workers’ pensions? Can you feel proud of taking budget away from education? Can you feel proud of reducing the budget for education? feel proud to do favors for the tobacco company? “It’s understandable,” she shot.

In the same tone, the capital leader said that the partner parties of the Republican Coalition “they hide their ideas,” since otherwise “no one votes for them.” “They are ashamed to tell the truth, that they are from the right and that they are conservative, on the other hand, we are so proud to be Frente Amplistas, how proud we are to be progressive, how proud we are to be from the left,” he continued.

“In politics nothing is won in advance, therefore, you have to fight, as in life,” said the pre-candidate in an invitation to her militants to vote in the internal elections. “We have to do it without fear, they are always going to criticize us, but we have ourselves,” she said.

“We are going to win in the first round”

“You can’t imagine the energy they give me, and it is with that energy that we are going to win in the first round,” said the departmental head in front of the FA supporters.

On the other hand, she sent a veiled message to her internal rivals and recalled that “until now the Frente Amplistas have not had the opportunity to bring a woman to the front,” something that aroused applause from those present. “Because she is a woman, she is neither a better nor a worse president, that is important, but I ask myself the following question: Should we continue waiting?” she reflected.

Next, she recalled all the years it took for the first recognition of women’s rights to arrive in Uruguay. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could present to the world once again that Uruguay raise your head from the setback and build hope embraced by progressivism and hand in hand with a woman?”

“Today there is no progressivism left in the traditional parties, Uruguay “He does not deserve to have another Herrero government,” he suggested before launching a message of victory.

FA Yamandú Orsi Andrés Lima

Yamandú Orsi and Andrés Lima.

Photo: @MPP609

Andrés Lima: “The right wants everything”

For his part, Andrés Lima began his speech by condemning the attempted coup d’état in Bolivia and saying that “the right wants everything” at regional level.

“This government failed in security, as it has failed in so many issues,” he continued before adding: “State policies will have to be thought about involving the community.” “We will also have to think about improving salaries, as the Wide Frontwhen it was government,” he slipped.

“Where is the president of the Republic who a few days ago ended up recognizing that they cannot handle insecurity?” Lima criticized, and said that reality does not match the figures that the government seeks to show.

“They are geniuses, with the Neptuno project they want to install the water intake from where the sewage network of the city of Buenos Aires“Let them try the water, from the right, to see what it tastes like,” said the man from Salta.

“We no longer want a government that sells the country”

“We no longer want a government that sells the country like the one we have, that delivers and gives away the Port (from Montevideo) to 60 years, and we will have to see how, starting next year, we can rescind that concession. We no longer want a government that starves workers,” he continued.

Finally, Lima continued with the chicanes and said that the candidate of the Colorado Party (PC), Andres Ojeda, “he chose the wrong party” and that this government “is a radish, red on the inside and white on the outside.” “We no longer want a Herrero monarchy every 30 years,” she concluded.

Yamandú Orsi: “We have to fight vote by vote”

Former mayor of Canelones, Yamandú Orsi, took up the baton by thanking the rank-and-file members and stressed that “we must fight vote by vote” in the upcoming election in October.

“In this country it is not worth the same when some are doing very well and a few are doing better and better, and the vast majority are doing worse or feel more distant,” criticized Orsi.

“It doesn’t matter to us that while, on the one hand, they tell us that security must be improved and that they are doing so, an association to commit crimes is discovered on an entire floor of the Executive Tower with only one member,” he ironized. “The news that is coming out from here is one scandal after another,” she added.

In another order, Orsi said that the FA “will not let the mutual companies fall” and that it will lead to Integrated National Health System to a new level of quality.

“If we are concerned about inequality, if it bothers us that there are people who continue to be further and further behind, living in (an) inhuman situation, go vote on the 30th,” he urged a militancy that cheered to the rhythm of the chant: “We are going to return “.

The disappearance of the Wide Front“The dictatorship couldn’t do it, they haven’t been able to do it afterwards,” he stressed in agreement with Cosse. “Continue sitting and waiting for the Front to disappear, because on the 30th we are all going to win,” said the Canarian.

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