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How to clean a water bottle so it doesn’t have germs

Hydration is a fundamental aspect to promote health. And this is one of the reasons why many choose to carry a bottle of water reusable throughout their day.

Added to this is the fact that these elements can help reduce environmental impactcompared to using containers that are disposable.

The benefits of moving around with a reusable bottle are numerous. However, Their hygiene is also a factor that must be considered..

If not cleaned frequently, they can become a space that accumulates microbes. which in turn – depending on the case – could affect health.

In this sense, it is important to be clear that Cleaning them does not just mean rinsing them and then refilling them.

An investigation carried out by the company specialized in water quality control in the United States, WaterFilterGuru, concluded that A bottle of this type can hold around 20.9 million Colony Forming Units. (UFC).

According to study data rescued by the BBC, The surface of a bathroom toilet seat has an average of 515 CFU.

Similarly, a pet food bowl may have around 1.4 million, a computer mouse 4 million, and a kitchen sink 11 million.

These estimated figures are less than what a bottle can contain. reusable, according to the company’s work.

However, There are simple methods to clean them and thus prevent them from accumulating a large amount of microbes.

The best ways to clean your water bottle and prevent it from accumulating microbes, according to specialists. Photo: reference.

Although bacteria are not necessarily bad per se — in fact, they are crucial for us to live — There are certain types that could generate unwanted effects.

Its arrival in the bottles can occur in multiple ways..

One is through the very action of drinking from itsince some of the microbes that colonize our body—for example, on the skin, teeth and tongue—can reach the container.

Finger contact with the bottle and leaving it in a bag, desk or locker can also They can be ways for its transfer.

When they are already in the article, If not cleaned frequently, these microbes create colonies and begin to multiply..

That is why Cleanliness is essential.

On the other hand, When hygiene is rarely taken into account, fungi may appear in which they are made of plastic or aluminum.

The doctor from the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases, Rodrigo Lins, explained to the aforementioned media that the possibility of health risks varies from case to case.

Along these lines, he specified: “We must keep in mind that there are ten times more bacteria than cells in our body (…) Depending on the quantity and types of microorganisms ingested, our immune system can cope with this demand without major problems.”.

As an example, he said that In certain situations, symptoms such as vomiting and nausea could be faced if the number of microbes is very high..

Another case that could occur is that the container contains more serious bacteria, which could increase the risk of infection.

For those who are allergic to certain fungi and mold, using a bottle with a high number of microbes could generate signs such as nausea, headache, fatigue and nasal congestion.

The microbiologist of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of São Paulo, Jorge Timenetsky, added to the BBC that the “young children, the elderly or people with compromised immune systems” may be more vulnerable if hygiene is not adequate.

The best ways to clean your water bottle and prevent it from accumulating microbes, according to specialists. Photo: reference.

According to the specialist, cleaning the bottles “Once a day when you get home is enough”.

For that task, He explained that soap and water can be used and that “it is also important to use brushes to mechanically clean microorganisms.

After completing these steps, can be refilled once dry.

A key point to consider is that the same container is not used for other liquidssince these could have elements that favor microbial colonies.

The experts also suggested Avoid those with grooves or rough parts and those with wooden parts.

In addition, it should be noted that If they have reusable bulbs or other small parts, these should also be cleaned. with the support of brushes that can help achieve this goal.

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