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Ron DeSantis approves HB 321 with $150 fines for violators

Ron DeSantisgovernor of Florida, approved the HB 321, which imposes restrictions on the launching of balloons inflated with gases lighter than air. This new regulation, which will come into force this year, establishes a fine of 150 dollars for those who violate it. Of that amount, dollars will be allocated to Trust Fund for Solid Waste Management.

The measure seeks to reduce the environmental pollution, since the balloons, as they slowly decompose, end up in bodies of water and can be ingested by marine fauna, causing serious damage. The law was supported by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, highlighting its importance in protecting the environment.

When will HB 321 go into effect?

From 1st of Julythe new law HB 321 will eliminate the prior authorization to intentionally release less than 10 balloons in a 24-hour period, as well as the exemption that allowed the use of biodegradable or photodegradable balloons. The only ones exempt from this regulation will be children under six years of age.

HB 321 imposes restrictions on the release of balloons inflated with gases lighter than air

Amir Levy/Getty Images

The legislation also allows exceptions for balloons released by persons on behalf of government agencies or in compliance with government contracts for scientific or meteorological purposes. Additionally, the new law considers the intentional release of balloons as an act punishable under the Law of Florida trashby modifying the definition of “dumping” to include the intentional release of balloons. The definition of “litter” in this Act is also adjusted to include balloons.

Reactions and Controversies surrounding the HB 321 Law

The approval of the law HB 321 It was not without criticism. During the House debate, Tampa Democratic Rep. Dianne Hartexpressed concern about the impact this measure could have on the African-American community, especially on their traditions of releasing balloons to honor their deceased loved ones. Hart noted:

Martin Mena

  • “I love the environment. Please don’t get me wrong. Yes, but I also love my people and I don’t want them to get fined.”
  • The legislator stressed the need to find a balance between environmental protection and respect for the cultural practices of communities.

These statements underscore the complexity of implementing environmental regulations that may affect the cultural traditions of diverse communities.

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