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The curious moments in the history of US presidential debates

03:20 PM

The current Democratic president Joe Biden and his Republican predecessor Donald Trump, almost tied in the polls, They will face each other this Thursday in the first debate of the presidential elections November in the United States, four years after a first confrontation at the polls that left the Democrat as the winner.

Millions of Americans They will continue this face to face that is announced as tense starting at 9:00 p.m., local time, in Georgia (east), one of the most contested states in the elections.

Both candidates hope that the hour-and-a-half confrontation allows them to win votes among the undecided, that could be key in November.

The debate will be moderated by two CNN journalists, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, following strict rules.

In context: Biden and Trump heat up the campaign in the United States and agree to two electoral debates

In an attempt to avoid the cacophony of the first debate of 2020, during which Biden and Trump spent an hour and a half shouting and interrupting each otherthe network will turn off the microphone of each candidate when the stipulated response time ends.

And it is that, in one of the debates of the previous campaign, one of the memorable moments in 60 years of debate history was presented when Biden asked Trump to shut up. But that is not the only debate that has left episodes to remember, the Gerald Ford’s gaffe to a Ronald Reagan joke about his age to, They make up a long list of moments that have left the face to face between American presidential candidates.

Here is a recounting of some of those moments that have marked US political history.

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Kennedy-Nixon, September 26, 1960

Is the first televised debate –in black and white– and from then on The image played a primordial role in politics.

After two terms as vice president of Dwight Eisenhower, the Republican Richard Nixon was the favorite to win the election.

But in front of 66 million viewers, He appears pale – he refused to put on makeup – and sweaty, while the young senator from Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy, looking tanned and self-confidentWhen taking the floor, the Democrat looks directly at the camera, at the voter, while the Republican addresses the moderator.

The influence the debate had on the electorate is unknown, but Kennedy won the election.

Read more: US governor sparked controversy after calling for the death of Joe Biden’s dog: this is how the White House reacted

Ford-Carter, October 6, 1976

After a first debate marked by a sound failure in the middle of a live performancethe outgoing Republican president Gerald Ford makes a mistake irreparable in their second face to face with Jimmy Carter.

In the midst of the Cold War, he assures that “there is no Soviet domination in Eastern Europe and there never will be during a Ford administration,” despite the fact that the USSR has troops deployed in several countries. Ford took six days to acknowledge that there were Soviet troops in Poland and claimed that he was speaking of the people’s spirit of resistance.

Reagan-Mondale, October 21, 1984

Outgoing Republican President Ronald Reagan is 73 years old when he seeks re-election against Walter Mondale, 56. But he transforms what could be an obstacle into an asset, with a formula that has gone down in history: “I’m not going to make age a campaign issue. I’m not going to explode, for political reasons, the youth and inexperience of my adversary.”

Bush-Clinton-Perot, October 15, 1992

The second presidential debate is held with three: the independent candidate Ross Perot, the outgoing president George Bush and his future successor Bill Clinton. An image will cost Bush, who He conspicuously looks at his watch during a question from the audience.

Years later, He admitted that he hated debates: “maybe it was That’s why I looked at (my watch), and I thought: ‘just ten more minutes of this crap.’”

Obama-Romney, October 22, 2012

Before outgoing President Barack Obama, Mitt Romney regrets that the US Navy has fewer ships than in 1916.

“Mr. Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our navy has changed. We have what we call aircraft carriers, on which planes land. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines,” the Democrat mocked, a response that went viral on the internet.

Trump-Clinton, October 9, 2016

The second presidential debate of 2016 has gone down in the annals for its virulence. Against the ropes after the disclosure of A video in which he boasts about grabbing women “by the genitals”, Donald Trump counterattacks on a personal level and assures that the former president Bill Clinton, husband of his rival, Hillary Clinton, “abused women”.

He promised to appoint a special prosecutor to carry out an investigation against Democratic candidate Clinton over the use of private email when she was head of US diplomacy. “It would be great if someone with Donald Trump’s temperament was not in charge of the law in our country,” she said. “You would be in jail,” the Republican replied.

Trump-Biden, September 29, 2020

There were shouts and insults in the first debate of the 2020 presidential election, to which Donald Trump and Joe Biden aspired. The outgoing president Donald Trump keeps interrupting to Joe Biden, who ends up snapping at him: “Can you shut up, man?”

The Democrat also describes his opponent as a “clown” and “(Vladimir) Putin’s lapdog.” Premonitorily, Donald Trump refuses to say whether he will recognize the election result.

Unable to bring order to the two candidates, the debate moderatorFox News journalist Chris Wallace, will confess that he was “desperate.”

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