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United Kingdom: why it is increasingly difficult for foreigners to study at British universities, which are among the best in the world

Image source, Getty Images

Caption, Since Brexit there has been a significant drop in the number of students from European Union countries.
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The United Kingdom is the country with the second highest number of Nobel Prize winners and is home to four of the 10 best universities in the world according to the prestigious ranking prepared each year by QS World Universities.

British higher education institutions are proud to say that by 2023, more than a quarter of the world’s countries – 58 to be exact – were led by someone educated in the UK, a figure second only to the US, with 65 leaders.

The high quality of its teaching, academic reputation and the prestige of its courses attract thousands of students every year. of foreign students who compete with local students for a place and pay tuition fees that are much higher.

But The figures reveal that the country is losing attractiveness for students. The high cost of tuition fees has been compounded by Brexit, huge inflation and increased restrictions imposed by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government.

The changes in the Student visas have been restricting benefits such as the conditions under which students can continue working after graduation or the possibility of bringing their families.

Students who have already completed their degree can stay in the United Kingdom for two years (three years for those with a PhD degree) to work on a postgraduate visa. But in that period, They can no longer request leave for their dependent family members.

Dependents include children under 18, spouses or common-law partners, and elderly parents who need long-term care.

Furthermore, while British undergraduate students can be charged a maximum of US$11,500 in annual fees thanks to the government-imposed cap, foreign students can see tuition fees rise. up to US$48,500 per year.

Image source, Alexandra Flores

Caption, Alexandra Flores finished her degree in Fashion Marketing and Journalism at the Metropolitan University of London this June.

And that’s just the course. Then you have to add maintenance, apartment rent and other expenses that add up to almost the same or more.

Peruvian Alexandra Flores arrived in the United Kingdom in 2021 to study Fashion Marketing and Journalism at the Metropolitan University of London.

“I paid US$17,000 a year. It’s not much for being an international here in London, but the visa cost almost US$800 and then there are the unexpected expenses like health insurance. I had to pay US$4,000 for it over the three years,” he told BBC Mundo.

The currency exchange also disrupted the final bill. “There is a misconception that many international students come just to show off. In my case, that has not been the case. I have had to work hard. It was easier for me to go to Spain, but this was a challenge.”

Controlling migration

A major part of the Sunak government’s strategy to reduce immigration to the UK came into force in January. “to end the unreasonable practice of overseas students bringing their families to the UK,” as declared then by the Minister of the Interior, James Cleverly.

“This will lead to migration falling rapidly into the tens of thousands,” he added.

The British government believes that many immigrants use student visas as a back door to work in the United Kingdom.

As a consequence of this, the cost of visas also increased and from April 2024, the standard fee for A visa has gone from almost US$800 to US$1,300.

Image source, Sara Valle

Caption, For Sara Valle, second on the left in the photo, studying and working at the same time in London was a challenge.

For Lavina Chainani, co-founder of Popyourbubble, a firm that facilitates the mobility and integration of expatriates in their new location, another of the factors behind the The difficulty of entering British higher education is that the 18-year-old population is expected to increase by 25% by 2030.“This will severely restrict the number of places available for foreigners,” he explains.

The government has also committed to reviewing the funds that foreigners must have to demonstrate that they can take care of themselveswhile some universities require students to meet a certain number of hours of attendance, which limits their ability to work and earn income to finance their stay.

With their type of visa, international students can work up to 20 hours per week and full time during vacation periods. But now They will not be able to change their visa type to a skilled worker visa. until they complete their studies, even if they receive a job offer.

Fewer visas granted

Flores took advantage of every vacation to work in Lima, save enough and return to London. But his partner in journalism, the Spanish Sara Valle, combined classes with work.

“In the first year I could work because first it is not so intense. You are starting out and you have jobs and many things to do, but you have time for everything. Secondly, you have to strike a balance. But this third year, which is the end, there came a time when I had to reduce working hours and draw on some savings”says Valle.

All these factors have meant that, despite the prestige, the number of student visas granted until the end of March 2024 will fall by 6% and the number of graduate students was reduced by approximately one-third.

Image source, Getty Images

Caption, The University of Oxford is one of the oldest in the world.

The Enroly platform, which is used by 1 in 3 international students to apply to different courses, said that Up to 24 British universities have seen their deposits fall by 57% until Mayaccording to the Financial Times.

Simon Jones, an academic with 30 years’ experience working in the UK and international university markets, believes the Conservative government has created an unfavorable situation for universities and students.

“When you start to consider yourself as a college student the language, the expenses, the cost of living, which will not allow you to work and earn money while you are here… It is normal that we see a decrease in applications. The same if as a graduate student you cannot bring dependents with you,” Jones tells BBC Mundo.

“The reputation of British higher education remains strong. But the desire of students to reach out to a potentially hostile political environment is ruining all prospects,” he also states.

Who can afford to live as a student in London, especially when their ability to work is restricted? For the same money, a student could have a similar educational experience in Australia, staying in the country in a skilled and well-paid job.”

For Jones, the problem right now is that the government is considering international students as migrants.

Image source, Getty Images

Caption, The United Kingdom has 4 of its universities in the top 10 in the world.

With the elections just around the corner – they will be held on July 4 –The conservative government is trying to push its agenda, especially on immigration, as far as possible and arrive at the meeting with some favourable figures in hand.

The The fight against illegal immigration is one of the banners of the ruling Conservative Party and upon taking office as Prime Minister in October 2022, Rishi Sunak has promised to drastically reduce it.

“It is much easier to measure the number of students who arrive because they go through airports with their passport than the number of people who arrive in the UK in a rubber dinghy from France. But it all comes down to the same thing,” adds Jones, who believes that the political discussion around “What is a student, an international student and an immigrant is deeply dishonest in political discourse of this country at this time.”

And what happens next?

Flores finished his degree this June and is now facing the job market.

As a Peruvian with a student visa, she can stay in the United Kingdom, but has to apply for a graduate visa, at a cost of US$1,100 plus health coverage for two additional years.

Also, you have to find a job that pays at least US$49,000, a very difficult salary to obtain for someone who has recently graduated.

This figure is part of the tightening of conditions by the current government, which previously set the figure at just over US$33,000.

“I have many international friends who studied with me who are sadly returning to their countries, because it is expensive, it is difficult. Maybe you can afford the cost of the visa, but Who is going to hire you for $49,000?“he asks.

“I have Applied to over 100 companies and only 5 have responded total. The uncertainty is enormous,” he says.

The UK job market for people under 25 is not going through its best moment either.

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