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Anniversaries of June 28: what happened on a day like today?


The anniversaries of June 28 They include various events that happened on a day like today, Friday, when the LGBT Pride Day+: an initiative that seeks to make visible the sexual and gender diversity that exist in society.

The letters of this acronym refer to the words Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Trans. However, over time, others were added to include more identities that did not feel represented by these terms, which is why it was decided to include the “+” symbol. Internationally, this community is identified with a flag that has the colors of the rainbow.

This date also seeks to denounce the injustices, attacks and discrimination suffered by those who are part of this group. In fact, the date on which this day takes place refers to the stonewall riots, which occurred after a police operation that took place in the early hours of June 28th from 1969 in the bar known as Stonewall Innin NY.

This event led to various protests being held in response to the brutality with which the women were treated. LGBT+ people. That was the first concrete expression of resistance by this community in history, something that was later replicated in the rest of the United States and other countries.

LGBT+ Pride Day remembers the events after the Stonewall bar raidGetty Images


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