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How much free time does it take to be happy according to science

How much free time do you need to be happy according to science – (Illustrative Image Infobae)

The happiness It is a subjective and diverse concept that varies from one person to another, but Recent studies have attempted to quantify how much free time is needed to reach a state of welfare optimum.

For many people, the balance between work and personal life It is essential to achieve the happiness. Activities such as physical exercisethe time spent on family and friends, and personal hobbies are essential to make the most of free time. Furthermore, the feeling of autonomy and control over your own time also plays a crucial role in your perception of happiness of individuals.

Warren Buffettduring an interview on the Charlie Ross show, mentioned Bill Gates that “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that the latter say no to almost everything”. This reflection led to Gates to consider time management and the importance of not overloading your schedule, since a full schedule has considerable consequences: the lack of free time.

More than 27,000 Americans participated in the survey for the study (Illustrative image Infobae)

A study conducted by the universities of Pennsylvania and California has precisely explored the relationship between free time and happiness. Researchers analyzed the ideal amount of free time needed to achieve positive psychological effects. More than 27,000 Americans participated in the American Time Use Surveydetailing your daily activities and thus allowing you to determine your level of personal satisfaction.

The results of the research showed that the ideal is to have between two and three free hours a day. This interval allows people disconnect from work and do recreational activities such as walking, watching a movie or reading, without feeling guilty or anxious about the lack of productivity. In the words of one of the researchers, “two to three hours of free time a day is enough for a positive mental change.”

On the contrary, the study also revealed The negative effects of having too much free time. People who have more than three hours a day of free time they experience a happiness curve that “stagnates”without evolving in the expected way. Those who have more than five free hours a day often feel dissatisfied because they are not doing useful activities. such as housework or shopping.

Having more than five free hours a day can generate feelings of unproductivity (Illustrative image Infobae)

A highlight of the study is that, To increase levels of happiness and satisfaction, it is vital to find a balance: dedicate between two and three hours a day to personal activities without going overboard. This approach avoids negative feelings of unproductivity and maximizes personal satisfaction and well-being.

On the other hand, a study carried out by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of California concludes that “An average of approximately two or three hours a day is probably the ideal amount of free time to satisfy a person’s needs”.

Among those surveyed, they were asked to detail all activities carried out in the last 24 hours. This methodology allowed experts to observe patterns and correlate free time with subjective well-being more accurately. The researchers concluded that having just 15 minutes of free time a day and having seven hours of free time a day can result in similar feelings of low productivity. “Having only 15 free minutes a day is as bad as having seven hours a day,” they stated.

The study highlights that too much free time also negatively affects happiness (Illustrative image Infobae)

Gateswhen reflecting on the comment of Buffettunderstood the importance of not filling his schedule and reserving time for himself: “One must be aware of how one spends one’s time and not just fill it with tasks.” This lesson underlines the importance of controlling daily activities to maintain a healthy balance between obligations and leisure time.

The study offers a practical guide on how to manage free time to improve quality of life. Highlighting the right amount of daily activities and necessary free time shows how small modifications in routine can have a considerable positive impact on emotional and psychological well-being.

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