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Uruguayan justice ordered parents to vaccinate their daughter under the threat of taking away their parental rights

A girl being vaccinated against Covid-19, in Montevideo (Uruguay) (EFE/Alejandro Prieto)

(From Montevideo, Uruguay) Some anti-vaccine parents They began a bid with doctors two years ago, when their daughter was born at the pediatric hospital in Montevideo Pereira RossellThe professionals did not want to discharge him from the hospital because the baby had not received the necessary doses given at birth, but they insisted on taking the minor. They had to sign a document in which they accepted that they were leaving the hospital of their own free will.

The controversy was reinstated in March of this year, when the minor was enrolled in a public early childhood center in the city of Carmelo (Colonia), according to instructions The ObserverThere they asked the parents to present the little girl’s vaccination certificate up to date and it was then that they confirmed that The girl didn’t even have a dose. Since education is a mandatory right, they let her enroll and allowed her to go to classes, but the authorities requested a medical certificate certifying the reason why the girl did not receive the necessary doses.

The pediatrician referred the parents to a social worker, who passed the case on to Justice, which ordered the parents to vaccinate their daughter in less than 10 days. Otherwise, they could lose parental rights.

The emergency entrance of the Pereira Rosell pediatric hospital in Uruguay (Presidency)

“A.’s parents are hereby ordered to comply with the mandatory vaccination required by law throughout the national territory, within a period of 10 days, (…) under penalty of incurring in the omission of the duties inherent to parental authority“, said the resolution of the substitute judge Judith Álvarez.

The minor’s parents will wait for the judicial fair to end to appeal the ruling. “Who is responsible for any adverse effects left on my daughter? What happens if she becomes mute or develops autism?“I have the right to choose what goes into my body and what doesn’t. And just as my mother decided to vaccinate me when I was a child, because she was responsible for my body, now I am the one who decides not to vaccinate my daughter,” she added.

To make the decision, the judge relied on the first two articles of a rule approved during the last dictatorship, which was updated over time. In 2019, the National Human Rights Institution resolved that “all mandatory vaccines have sufficient legal coverage to be required.” This public office recognizes in its analysis that vaccines are one of the instruments that have contributed the most to increasing the life expectancy of humanity (along with drinking water and antibiotics).

The National Human Rights Institution considers that vaccines are one of the elements that have contributed the most to humanity (EFE/ Raúl Martínez)

The girl’s father does not dispute the contribution of vaccines to humanity, but declared to The Observer that the underlying issue is that the current doses “are not the same as before.” “Now they come with anything inside, with messenger RNA”, he explained. However, only some of the Covid-19 vaccines were made with that technology, but the father insists that he does not want his daughter to be given any of them.

“In 2018, as a result of an autoimmune disease that was detected in me, they began to medicate and medicate me. That complicated my life. Until 2020, I stopped taking medication and started treatment with chlorine dioxide,” said the man.

The Uruguayan Pediatric Society has detected that In recent times these opinions have been appearing that are “very far from scientific evidence”, according to the president of the association, Sergio Venturino. “Nothing in science validates chlorine dioxide. Much less for a child. “Vaccines are what save lives,” he expressed.

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