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Unity is the only way to be free, said ALBA secretary

Tegucigalpa .- (PL) The secretary general of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), Jorge Arreaza, said today that the only way to be free is through unity .

During the inauguration of the second social forum of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) in this capital, Arreaza recalled that the American continent has always been in dispute.

Speaking to more than 300 international delegates who will be attending Celac-Social until next Saturday, the ALBA-TCP leader said that the resistance began with the indigenous people and today the people continue to resist imperialist domination projects.

“Honduras cannot do it alone, Cuba cannot do it alone, Bolivia cannot do it alone, only if we unite and much more so in a multipolar world that is being born and that demands that we constitute ourselves as a pole of power,” he stated.

Arreaza recalled how the dream of the liberator Simón Bolívar transcended time and remembered the general of free men Augusto C. Sandino who, in 1929, when Nicaragua was invaded by the Yankee empire, one of the fundamental points of his plan was to abolish the Monroe Doctrine.

In this regard, he made reference to the eternal commander of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez, and the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro, when in 2001 they conceived of founding the AlBA, which continues to be the great path of the people.

He mentioned the union projects of the countries that make up that bloc and highlighted the need to have a single currency to break with the hegemonism of the dollar and be free.

The spirit of AlBA goes far beyond the 10 countries that make it up, the spirit of ALBA is there in the social movements of our America, in the towns, in their communities,” he emphasized.

From this Thursday until the 29th, Honduras will celebrate the second Celac-Social with the attendance of more than 300 international delegates.

The event is taking place in the framework of the commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the coup d’état against Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and the fifteenth anniversary of popular resistance in this Central American nation.

Celac-Social Honduras 2024 has on its agenda the holding of seminars on women and youth, thematic roundtables on education, defense of the land, labor dignity and judicialization of politics, among other topics.

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