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Videos show the moments of panic experienced during the 7.0 earthquake in Peru

In the early hours of this Friday, June 28, a strong 7.0 magnitude earthquake hits southern Peruinformation revealed by the Geophysical Institute of Peru mentions that the epicenter orIt took place in the province of Caravelí, in the region of Arequipawhose capital is the second most populous city in the country.

The Geophysical Institute of Peru indicated that the strong movement, which occurred at 12:36 am, it occurred at a depth of 42 kilometers and had an epicenter at 54 kilometers southwest of the coastal district of Yauca, where two earthquakes of magnitude 5.7 and 5.0 were recorded on June 22.

It is worth mentioning that although the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation of this country issued a tsunami warning, minutes later it ruled out any possibility of this phenomenon occurring as a consequence of the 7.0-degree movement.

After the scare that Peruvians received in the early hours of this Friday, images have been released through social networks showing the dimension of what happened in the south of Peru.

The videos that circulate on different platforms show a landslide that occurred on the Pan-American Highwaywhere several rocks fell onto this important road as a result of the earthquake.

Travelers and citizens have shared images of the effects left by the moments of panic experienced in the midst of darkness. Mainly through the social network cracks in the floor, in houses and rock falls in various parts of the countrybecause after the shock the residents abandoned their homes trying to get to safety.

The earthquake that has presented several aftershocks during the early hours of this June 28, left some people injured, the local media ‘HBA Noticias’ recently reported that three people were injured, but that the authorities continue with the advance to help those affected and be able to determine the material damage left by the strong earthquake.




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