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The Government will send to Congress a bill to lower the age of imputability to 13 years

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichand that of Justice, Mariano Cuneo Libaronawill hold a press conference this Friday where they will announce that The Government will send to the National Congress a bill to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 13 years. In this way, it seeks to reform the juvenile penal regime.

This was reported by presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni in his usual press conference, detailing that “now at 12 noon, Patricia Bullrich and Cúneo Libarona are going to announce the sending of a bill to Congress to lower the age of imputability from 16 to 13 years old”.

For the Government official,”If minors can make decisions as adults, it is reasonable that they also pay the consequences of the seriousness of their actions as adults.”.

Manuel Adorni

The spokesperson announced the Bullrich and Libarona conference in his usual press conference.

He then explained that “in other countries in the region such as Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Colombia and Peru, the age of imputability is 14 years old and in Brazil it is 12. It is about continuing to adapt to the times we live in.”.

If the law is finally approved by the Lower and Upper Houses, “for example, crimes such as those of Bruno Bussanich (the beachcomber murdered in Rosario) will be brought to justice, committed by a 15-year-old hitman who understood the atrocity of what he was doing,” Adorni stressed.

“Milei’s government established a paradigm shift in economic matters, but also in matters of security, adult crime, adult punishment.“, the spokesman concluded on the subject.

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