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What was the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump like?

The night of this Thursday, June 27 The first presidential debate for the 2024 elections was held USA.

In the instance, They faced the current president Joe Biden (81, Democratic Party) and the former president donald trump (78, Republican Party) at the CNN studios in Atlanta.

From the very beginning, viewers saw the tension between the two candidates, who When they passed in front of the cameras they did not shake hands.

From there, an instance developed in which Topics such as the economy, immigration, abortion and the wars in Ukraine and Gaza were addressed..

But beyond such topics, Two of the points that stood out the most in the debate were Biden’s lapses and Trump’s statements that were classified as fake news or “falsehoods” by different means international.

Among the latter, there are Some like CNN, the New York Times, the BBC and the Associated Press news agency (AP).

To the points mentioned cross attacks were added.

An analysis by the Times compared the time each spent attacking their opponent’s policies or character, rather than delving into their own records and proposals.

The data shows that The Democratic representative spent 12:52 minutes, while the Republican used 18:04.

It is worth remembering that This is the second time that Biden and Trump have faced each other in the presidential race.The first was when the tycoon lost the elections in 2020.

The most tense moments of the first 2024 presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Photo: Donald Trump / Joe Biden.

One of the most discussed topics was that Biden, at times, seemed to lose the thread of his ideas and his speech, and he had difficulty questioning Trump when he repeated statements that have been proven to be false..

Faced with some questions, Trump avoided answering what the interviewers asked him.

One of the moments in which He seemed most uncomfortable when the topic of the assault on the Capitol in Washington DC was addressed.which occurred on January 6, 2021.

“It is a threat to democracy,” Biden reiterated referring to his rival.

For its part, The Republican at one point even said he did not understand what the current president meant.and then continued with his own speech.

Unlike previous instances, on this occasion The debate had no live audience or written notes and the candidates’ microphones were silenced when the allotted time ran out. to his opponent.

Biden also referred to Trump’s conviction on charges related to an alleged relationship with an adult film actress.Stormy Daniels.

On this point, He said his opponent has “the morals of an alley cat”to which the Republican responded that he did not have “sexual relations with a porn star.”

On the other hand, when they talked about immigration, Trump claimed that Biden “wants the borders to be open,” a claim that has no basis.

Besides, He said that during the current administration – Biden’s – the largest fiscal deficit has been recorded of history.

That is false, since US Treasury Department figures reveal that record occurred during the Trump administration.

According to tax data retrieved by the BBC, After his time in the White House, the accounts closed with a deficit of $3.13 trillion dollars, while for 2023 the figure was reduced to $1.7 trillion..

When the topic of abortion was broached, Trump also claimed that Democrats have an “extremist” agenda and that they support abortions after the birth of babies..

“He can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth“In some states governed by Democrats, they take the life of a child after birth,” he bellowed.

The above is also falsesince infanticide is illegal throughout the United States and in most states it is difficult to terminate a pregnancy after 21 weeks.

Then, Biden responded that “that is not true” and that “we are not in favor of late-term abortion, period.”.

After the debate, Voices resounded from the Democratic faction suggesting that the party should consider the possibility of presenting another candidate for the elections on November 5 of 2024.

One of the biggest concerns about Biden is his agesince he is currently 81 years old and, if he wins the elections, he would end his second term at 86.

After the meeting, CNN shared a poll conducted among its viewers, which positioned Donald Trump as the clear winner of this first debate, with 67% of preferences.

Joe Biden, for his part, appeared with 33%.

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