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‘They surprised us from behind’

Eric López Martínez had been living in Barcelona, ​​Spain for a couple of years. There he was gaining experience in the world of paragliding and was even considered a one of the jewels of this extreme sport by some of the best exponents in the world.

During last Monday, June 24, during the San Juan festivities, the most important in Catalonia, Eric, his two brothers and other friends spent the early morning sharing talks in the Barceloneta sector, one of the tourist places of the so-called ‘ Barcelona’.

In the midst of bonfires, young people singing, lights, gunpowder and a festive atmosphere, around 4 in the morning an event occurred that still causes anxiety throughout the city due to the crudeness of what happened.

Remnants of blood at the scene after a 26-year-old Colombian man died early this Monday from stab wounds in Barcelona.

Photo:EFE/Marta Perez

According to Chachán, his younger brother, at that time they were walking near the beaches of Barceloneta, when they witnessed the robbery committed by a group of young Arabs.

Given the rudeness of the action committed, Eric, Chachán and another friend decided to intervene to help the tourist who was being stripped of his personal items.

“He was a foreigner who was robbed. He went to defend the foreigner with me. A friend was sharing with us. We took the cell phone that was stolen from the person and gave it to the owner,” the young man recalls about that moment in conversation with EL TIEMPO.

Chachán points out that the situation did originate from preventing the theft of a person, but not his sister, as was initially suggested.

After recovering the cell phone, the people who committed the theft ran away from the area and fled after the noise generated by the situation.

Colombian athlete murdered in Spain.


However, when the brothers and their friend were heading towards the metro station, along the Ciutat Velle promenade, they were caught up again by the group of thieves, who surprised them and hit them from behind.

“They beat my friend and me. At that moment they cut my brother by the neck. We didn’t realize because we were defending ourselves,” says Chachán.

Once again, the group of Arabs ran away from the area of ​​the attack. “That’s when we realized that my brother was lying on the ground, bleeding to death,” he said.

In videos posted on social media, Eric’s family members can be seen trying to help him and medical personnel arriving in an ambulance; however, the wound they inflicted was fatal.

The family is mourning the brutal murder of Eric, 26, and they are thinking about the possibility of repatriating his body to his native Valle del Cauca, where dozens of paragliders have already paid tribute to him with a massive flight: “Skinny, forever in our hearts.”

Chachán comments that they have already received contributions from friends who are requesting donations through social networks. “We are grateful to everyone for their support and empathy for my brother even without knowing him,” he says.

Eric’s alleged killer is an Algerian national who was captured while fleeing the scene of the crime. The Catalan police are gathering evidence to put this man on trial for the crime.

Among those who have remembered Eric is the Spaniard Horacio Llorens, an aerobic paraglider who has been a champion in world competitions: “It goes in your memory, Eric. Your bravery will not be forgotten.”

Laura Avendano


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