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Diana Mondino asked the OAS for a solution to the Malvinas Islands conflict and the claim was approved by acclamation

Diana Mondino’s speech at the OAS

The OAS General Assembly which is being carried out in the city of Asunción, in Paraguay, gave rise this Friday to the issue of the Malvinas Islands during the fourth plenary session. In this framework, the Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino made a presentation regarding the subject and took the opportunity to reiterate the national demand to find a peaceful and definitive solution to the dispute that the country has had for decades with the United Kingdom.

The speech of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship began after 12 o’clock and lasted almost 20 minutes. During that period, Javier Milei’s official remarked to her peers that the passage of time did not erode the legitimacy of the claim and requested that bilateral negotiations resume with the British authorities. That claim received by support by acclamation of all member countries of the organization.

“The Argentine Republic presents itself once again in this Organization of American States to reaffirm its legitimate rights over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime spaces,” the official began by saying in her presentation, in which she explained to those present that it is an issue that transcends Argentine governments and that constitutes a true State policy in which all political forces agree.

In this sense, Mondino indicated that he unwaveringly maintains his position that this long-standing controversy must be resolved through dialogue between both parties. Furthermore, he emphasized that from the beginning of Javier Milei’s administration, Argentina sought renew and deepen relations with the United Kingdom with the aim of “explore new areas of bilateral cooperation” that lead to generating the trust necessary to move towards dialogue.

“The General Assembly and the Special Committee on Decolonization have always been very clear regarding the way to decolonize the Malvinas Islands: the solution will come through bilateral negotiations between Argentina and the United Kingdom, without delay, to reach a peaceful solution to the sovereignty dispute, which takes into account the provisions and objectives of the United Nations Charter and resolution 1514 as well as the interests of the inhabitants of the islands,” the Chancellor said in her speech.

He added: “None of the resolutions on the Malvinas Question adopted by the United Nations has ever included any reference to self-determination. The United Kingdom is trying to force this principle in favour of the British inhabitants of the Islands. The United Nations has referred in all its pronouncements to the ‘interests’ of the population of the islands and not to their ‘wishes’. Thus, the United Nations confirms that the right to self-determination is not applicable to the Question of the Malvinas Islands. Otherwise, the destiny of the territory would be placed in the hands of the same power that has been installed there by forceperpetuating colonialism to the detriment of the territorial integrity of a State and denaturalizing the principles and foundations of decolonization.”

Towards the end of his speech, Mondino expressed his intention to continue advancing on the path of negotiations, while mentioning his concern about the refusal that exists from the United Kingdom in this regard. Likewise, he asked the historic support of the OAS “due to the lack of progress to resolve this sovereignty dispute.”

The OAS Assembly approves the joint declaration on the Malvinas issue

“Our country reiterates its firm commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes, multilateralism and a rules-based international order. In this sense, it urges the United Kingdom to honor that same commitment through the fulfillment of its obligations regarding decolonization,” he concluded.

Mondino’s request was supported by all member countries of the organization, whose representatives expressed their support for Argentina and joined the request to begin peaceful negotiations with the British authorities in order to find a solution. Among the foreign ministers who asked to speak on the subject were representatives of Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, Mexico, Bolivia, Panama, Suriname, Antigua and Barbuda, Chile, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Belize, Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Uruguay. Also from Brazil, who made a draft joint declaration so that dialogue between nations in this regard is resumed.

The Secretary General of the OAS, for his part, also spoke on the subject and assured that both countries must sit at a negotiating table to resolve this colonial situation. He said that this “It is maintained by force and not by diplomacy.”

Towards the end of the treatment of the topic, it was reported that the declaration of the question of the Malvinas Islands had been approved by acclamation.

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