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End of the truce in the MAS: Evo Morales targeted Luis Arce and asked for an investigation into the failed military uprising

End of the truce in the MAS: Evo Morales targeted Luis Arce and asked for an investigation into the failed coup attempt (EFE)

The truce in the Movement to Socialism (MAS) Bolivian government that seemed to have been reached this Wednesday, when a group of soldiers tried to take power of the Government with a mobilization in La Paz, came to an end just two days later. This Friday, during a press conference in Cochabamba, the former president Evo Morales expressed his distrust about what happened that afternoon and targeted the current president and his main rival, Luis Arce.

“So what kind of coup will it be? The coup begins, the ministers were happy walking in Plaza Murillo, touching the tanks… a coup d’état with zero injuries, zero shots, zero deaths.”began by questioning the coca grower and ignoring the balance provided by the authorities, which reported 14 people injured by pellets fired by the rebel soldiers at the site.

“A coup d’état, is that done with pellets?” he insisted in an ironic tone and criticized Arce for having given “so much power” to the alleged mastermind of the revolt, General Juan José Zúñiga.

Morales questioned the circumstances in which the revolt took place (AP)

Following these observations, Morales urged the judiciary to work independently and expose the reality of the facts, suggesting that the plan could have been hatched by more actors than just this army group. “That investigatesooner or later the investigation will tell the truth”he added to his followers.

On the other hand, in the last few hours Arce revealed that when he saw the revolt that was forming in front of the presidential palace, he called his rival and warned him of what was happening. “It was clear that they were coming for me but it was clear to me that later they were going to go for Evo”said the president.

The new clashes between the politicians occur in the midst of the investigations that the Justice Department began on Wednesday night and that have already left 21 people arrested. In the last few hours, the authorities confirmed the arrest of the last four subjects involved, so the suspects are already in their custody. three former top commanders of the Armed Forcesas well as others retired officers And till civilians who collaborated with antidemocratic acts.

Bolivian prosecutors charge the main suspects of the military uprising with terrorism (AP)

Thus, they highlight the capture of the general Marcelo Zegarra, former head of the Air Force; Sargeant Alan Condoriwho was driving the armored vehicle that tried to knock down one of the doors of the presidential palace; the former head of the Army, General Juan José Zúñigathe first detainee; and the vice admiral Juan Arnezof the Navy.

“From the beginning we have stated that Zúñiga did not act alone… All of these people, these 21 people, have not acted unilaterally and have put the lives of our president, our vice president at risk.“said the Minister of Government, Eduardo del Castillo, adding that, for this reason, they will be accused of terrorism and armed uprising, and some of them could even face charges of attempted murder.

“We are going to stop this anti-democratic network, we are not going to rest until all those responsible are brought to justice. It’s time to get the coup plotters off the streets and put them behind bars”, he also promised.

(With information from AFP, EFE and Europa Press)

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