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what is it and in what position is it

Every so often Chili stands out or is mentioned in some international ranking And this week it happened again after the English media The Economist and the EIU company will publish a new article.

Through a publication titled “The most liveable cities in the world in 2024”the portal ranked the best and worst locations, highlighting one particular place in the territory.

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All of the above considering 173 cities in total and measuring various categories such as stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and general infrastructure.

This is the city with the best quality of life in Chile in 2024 (and the podium it occupies in South America)

As indicated in the breakdown, the city with the best quality of life in Chile would be Santiagothe capital.

The latter only in the measurement of Latin America and the Caribbean and in third placethe same one that places it only behind Buenos Aires in Argentina and Montevideo in Uruguay.

On this scale, which goes from 0 to 100, it is also above other places such as Lima, Rio de Janeiro, Monterrey, Mexico City or Caracas. But be careful, because Santiago would have dropped one place in the measurement compared to the year 2023.

Of course, it is also distanced from the populations that lead in general, concentrated in Eastern Europe and North America.

And which city was the big winner? Vienna, Austria, which took first place for the third year in a row with 98.4. In fact, it achieved perfect scores in four of the five sections of the index. Yes indeed, would need to organize more sporting events to reach a higher mark.

Other mentions of the top five are Copenhagen (98.0), Zurich (97.1), Melbourne (97.0), Calgary (96.8) and Geneva (96.8).

The Economist.

Review the full article by clicking on this link.

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