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The forceful cover of Time magazine after Biden’s performance in the debate with Trump: “Panic”

Magazine Time published a cover that joined the criticism of the American Democratic and progressive media after the historic presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Along with the image of the current head of state in a position that could suggest that he is on his way out, they simply headlined: “Panic.”

The text by journalist Philip Elliott expanded the definition: “Before midnight, Joe Biden fought for 90 minutes in a debate against Trump that even Biden’s closest allies secretly admitted was a disaster. Biden behaved like the 81-year-old grandfather that he is: stammered quietly between unintelligible arguments and stood with a blank stare and open mouth as Trump launched one verbal attack after another.”

Read also: Joe Biden’s last-minute move to try to destabilize Donald Trump in the debate

The situation is dark. No doubt about it, says one who has worked in the West Wing of the White House since day one. But we must move forward. “That is the only option available.” The journalist added Later, Elliott added a quote from Alex Bruesewitz, a political consultant allied to Trump: “Democrats are tied to Biden, whether they like it or not.”

“Panic,” headlined Time, with an image of Joe Biden that hints at a way out. (Photo: courtesy of Time)

The rest of the American media with similar editorial lines agreed that the current president “has to withdraw” from the race for re-election, since his deterioration is evident and affects the Democrats.

For example, him New York Times headlined: “Joe Biden is a good man and a good president. He needs to drop out of the race,” and the Washington Post wrote on its cover: “Democrats panic over Biden, have doubts about his future.”

All opinion authors of the Washington Post headlines read: “President Biden is my friend. He needs to get out of the race”; “Biden can’t keep going like this”; “I sense a lot of anxiety among Democrats about Biden’s debate performance”; and “President Biden, it’s time to get out.”

On the other hand, The Wall Street Journal posted on its front page: “Democrats discuss replacing Biden as presidential candidate.”

Trump and Biden held their first presidential debate amidst chicanery and personal attacks

Without greeting each other beforehand, the current president of the United States, Joe Biden, and the former president, Donald Trump, They faced each other this Thursday night in the first presidential debate heading to the elections on November 5. The second debate will be in September.

Biden began speaking at the debate against Trump. (Photo: AFP)

The situation of the economy opened the first topic between the presidential candidates, who presented their opposing views on one of the issues that most concerns Americans.

Biden began by making a reference to the situation inherited in 2021 when he assumed power: “What Mr. Trump left me was an economy that was in free fall. The pandemic was so poorly managed that many people were dying (…) The economy collapsed. There were no jobs. The unemployment rate rose to 15%, it was terrible. So what we had to do is try to put things back together again,” said the Democrat.

The Republican gave a very different vision, who stated that during his term (2017-2021) the United States had “the largest economy in history” of the country. “We have never done so well. Everyone was amazed. Other countries were copying us. We got hit by Covid and when we got hit, we spent the money we needed to not end up in a Great Depression,” he said.

Trump during the debate with Biden. (Photo: AFP)

For Trump, Biden’s arrival to power It was “a disaster” for the country and “the only jobs it created are for illegal immigrants and recovery jobs, a COVID-19 recovery.”

Read also: Campaign of fear, abortion and young vote: Biden’s strategies to confront Trump in the US debate

In a calm tone, unusual for the former president, he added: “He has not done a good job. He has done a poor job and inflation is killing our country. “It is absolutely killing us.” However, Biden did not give up and stated that Trump is “the only one who thinks that.”

Both Trump and Biden are aware that, according to polls, the economy and inflation They are two of the main priorities of voters and the concepts that will most determine their vote.

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