Five tips for designers looking to enter the world of AI

Five tips for designers looking to enter the world of AI
Five tips for designers looking to enter the world of AI

Images created in minutes or seconds, mixing styles and references, but under the umbrella of human creativity, artificial intelligence (AI) allows graphic designers and audiovisual producers a sea of ​​new creation possibilities that challenges the imagination, although these Tools can also instill fear among some of these professionals, who fear being replaced by machines.

“AIs pose a series of challenges and opportunities, but they must be seen as just another tool; designers and producers who do not learn to use these tools and make them their own are those who will be replaced,” explains Ricardo Quiroz, professor of the degree. of Graphic Design from the Franz Tamayo University, Unifranz.

For her part, Lita Domínguez, director of the Graphic Design program, indicates that, despite the challenges, design professionals have knowledge and skills that AI cannot yet replicate.

“Creativity and originality are key aspects of graphic design that cannot yet be fully replicated by AI. Designers have the ability to understand specific client needs and create unique and creative visual solutions that fit those needs,” she points out.

The expert in image and video generators with AI indicates that this new technology offers designers endless tools with which to experiment and mentions five tips or advice for graphic designers and producers who venture into the use of artificial intelligence:

1 Participate in groups about AI

“Participate in groups on social networks to consult, discuss or contribute their experiments with image-generating AI that they are using,” he suggests.

For Quiroz, knowledge about generative AI is fluid, since it constantly changes, so being part of a community is beneficial, because you can obtain knowledge that is not obvious or is not covered by more massive media.

2 Be attentive to advances

“Subscribing to a channel or forum that talks about cutting-edge technology, but from a more aesthetic point of view, is very beneficial, since this information helps us understand what is happening in the world of AI focused on the design and that we are aware of that to know what we have to investigate and explore,” he adds.

Staying informed about advances is essential to take the pulse of what can and cannot be done, using AI, which is very important taking into account that in a very short time the models change and give way to new tools that They require small adjustments in data entry techniques, for example.

Working with AI requires repetition and patience

3 Research and test different AIs

“We have to set aside time to research and test repeatedly, experiment with different AIs so that we can make our own way. Unfortunately there are no master courses, technology advances so quickly that what can be prepared today may be obsolete tomorrow. Therefore, expert knowledge in AI is something that we ourselves have to form,” says Quiroz.

4 Have a good computer

“Having a good computer, if what we are looking to do with AI is something more powerful than just making images or audio, we have to have a computer that can run AI with a lot of consumption of graphic resources; currently, computers that have memory cards video NVIDIA RTX are the best suited for the job,” says Quiroz.

Although the tool does not make perfect, in the case of using AI, a good team is very important. The amount of calculations and information processing necessary for video generation, for example, in AI is quite important and a well-equipped computer, with the necessary hardware, can make the lives of designers much easier.

5 Don’t get frustrated

“It is almost impossible, at first, but it is important not to get frustrated. Entering this field of AI generates many failures at first, but if we are persistent, little by little we will be able to advance and be fascinated by the possibilities it offers us,” he says.

Working with AI requires repetition and patience, so resistance to frustration will be one of the skills that we must train, good things take time and require trial and error and generating images and videos with AI is not the exception, points out the graphic designer and university professor.

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