Finds, bargains, discoveries and some inventions in the art world

Since the “enthronement” of the “Salvator Mundis” the alleged Leonardo da Vinci what was absolute auction record Surprising findings in one sense or another have appeared with some frequency. Soon it was the turn of Raphael and an alleged “María Maddalena”, a matter that we also deal with.

We have recently referred to “Ecce Homo” the Caravaggio, of undoubted authorship that now the Prado Museum exhibits with great fanfare in an exclusive room. Behind cardboard an oil painting of himself Miguel Angel related to his famous Sistine Chapel fresco “The Universal Judgment” raised many doubts (including ours).

Caravaggio “Ecce Homo”.

Now it’s Edgar Degas’ turn to go on stage

Let us clarify, before delving into the story, the general context that moves the threads of these episodes. First of all, there is undoubtedly the market: the extraordinary appreciation of the works of historical artists (which are always in short supply) drives
serious investigations, treasure hunters, professionals and amateurs and why not? unscrupulous alchemists.

Then there are the experts, with their deep studies, assisted today with ultra-efficient technology but also stalked with their egos and interests. To the point is the confession that one of them made when at an international seminar in Leipzig (on the “Salvator Mundi” no less): academic policies are like any other policy, except that until now no blood has been shed.”

Edgar Degas, “Two Ballerinas”. (yellow and pink)

In this context, the Spanish press is announcing these days a “Historic bargain in the art world: buy a ‘Degas’ for 926 euros.” The bargain would have been finalized through an online auction site a couple of years ago and the advertisement now appears after the supposed certification of the work. It is a cake titled “In Praise of Makeup” that was presented for a few hours at the Ateneo de Madrid.

It would have been painted by Edgar Degas (1834–1917) between 1876 and 1877, purchased in 1887 by a Barcelona illustrator who took it to Cairo. Upon his death it returned to Spain, it was seized before the Civil War and later returned during the Franco era. In 1940 the work was acquired by Joan Llonch Salas, president of the Bank of Sabadell. Since then it had belonged to the heirs. Mysteriously these, ignoring what they had. They undersell it.

Edgar Degas, “A serious customer.”

The photo of the work appears in the media, which does not say much. There is no signature on it, although the chronicle maintains that it is signed. (It may be that the photo is partial and I have left it out). They also speculate that the painting is worth between seven and eight million euros, some even go up to 12. Obviously the last word has not been said.

While we wait for the next chapter, I send a wonderful Degas pastel (surely one of the best works of the French Master, belonging to the National Museum of Fine Arts, donated by Mercedes Santamarina and a monocopy titled “A Serious Client” (which was later lithographed) where suggestively the two women from “In Praise of Makeup” appear…

* Carlos María Pinasco is an art consultant.

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